Monday, June 30, 2014

A Dream Comes True! June 23, 2014


I cannot wait another second.  Explosions are going off inside my body that cannot be controlled.  If I don’t get this out of me I may burst into a million pieces. 
Monday we experienced Wimbledon.  I have decided it will be its own blog as it was something I never expected to experience.
We were told to get up and leave early but it just didn’t seem to work.  At around 8 AM we left for the train station in Lingfield.  We had to wait for a cheaper train that left at 9:18 AM.  It was a very fun ride because we could just calmly see the country side.  After about 10 or more stops we made it to Victoria station where we left the train and headed for the tube.  We took the tube to Southfield.  The minute you get off there the place is all decorated with Wimbledon tennis.  It was about a 10 minute walk up to the Wimbledon area.  We did not have tickets as we could find no way to buy one for under £1100, we said we would just get a ground pass.  To get a ground pass we had to stand in the Queue line.  They gave us a number and ushered us into a blocked off area of a golf course that was HUGE.  Line after line of people were waiting.  They were selling food and stuff and had lots of garbage bags and toilets.  (In England you ask for a toilet – not a restroom.)  I have no idea how many of these lines there were but they were about 2 football fields long.  Finally we got moved into a line to sit down.  They told us we would for sure get in but it would be about a 5 hour wait.  I think Brad would have left at that point but I was rock solid.
Brad purchasing train tickets.
Waiting for the train.
I am on my way to Wimbledon.
Off the tube at Southfield.
The queue ticket.  Glad we only had 9139 people in front of us.

They try to cheer you with queue in the sun badges.

Lines to the right.

Lines to the left.
The line in front of us.
The tents are camping out for Tuesday and Wednesday.
Brad knows how to stand in line.

After about 2 hours the lines started to move.   Finally our line moved as well and went up and through the first doors and into an area with a lot of activity.  There was a brass band playing and bless their hearts they moved right along with us for a very long time.  It was nice but a bit on the noisy side.   Then there was a tiny little court and Goran Ivanisevic was playing anyone that wanted to go up and then posed for pictures.  Little kids were going up and playing at it was great fun.  I went up close but didn’t join in the real festivities.  Then they had a place where you could try to knock over big shoes, tennis balls and strawberries.  Each one had a score on it and if you knocked over 100 points, you would be in a drawing for Wimbledon tickets for next year.  We were in line with a man from Australia, 2 women from England, a young guy from Israel and a younger smoker from Brazil.  The guy from Israel went up and got 110 points.  Brad went up and knocked down 70 points right off and then they told him he had to change form and he didn’t hit any on the last 2 shots.  Still he won a major award, a plastic sack type water bottle.  The line was moving rather nicely and every so often they had a screen.  I saw Sloan Stevens loose her last point and do her interview.  Then the Andy Murray match came over a loud speaker but other matches were on the screens.  This had taken about an hour.  Finally we could see the finish line and you-betcha – it stopped.  We finally sat down very aware we were in stinging nettle.  After another hour or so Andy Murray won and they opened the line again.  Nerves were tense as we approached.  Brad and I walked through and they said that was it.  Brad turned back and said but these two were ahead of us.  I couldn’t even breathe but the man said okay come on in and then they let the Israel and Brazil guys in also. 

Leaving the Queue -- we thought. 

Thought I would throw Federer a ball.

Brad with Nadal.
Me with Serena.
The brass band.  Wish Luke was there!

Goran was great with the kids. 
The screens we watched in the queue lines.

The tent where Brad tried for 100 points. 

Next we went into a big tent and went through just as intense of security check as any airport.  Finally we passed that and we were off to a very long walk up stairs, around trees and down again and finally someone was asking for money.  They had tickets to court 2 where Venus Williams was playing for £10 more but we just wanted to go see as much as we could.
Going up and over to get in.

We are in.  Here is the big score board. 
Is this for real?
The first court we saw was Nara from Japan.   Next to her was Anderson from South Africa.  We watched him play three games and win his match.  Then we went and sat down on the court we thought Cilic was playing on and we were one court off but had a nice 2nd row seat so we watched Broady from England play Bagos from Hungry.  We watched one set and then headed off. 
It was now close to 5:00 and we hadn’t eaten since 7:30 AM and I was about starved. Choosing a line was near impossible but finally we settled on a sausage dog.  It was pure heaven; almost as good as being in the middle of Wimbledon.
Brittany Broady

We saw 2 girls warming up that looked good so we sat down since we had 2 seats on the front row at center net.  I asked the man next to me who was playing.  Muguruza and Vandeweghe.  That was helpful as the score board was right in front of us.  So I asked him where they were from and he said he didn’t know and couldn’t pull up his internet but Muguruza had beaten Serena in the French Open and everyone was expecting big stuff from her. 
The match started and we were in awe.  Those 2 could hit that ball so dang hard and over and over the points went on.  The first game was about 10 deuces.  Vandeweghe won the first set.  We really cheered on Muguruza and she finally pulled off the second set.  Then the man leaves and a couple of women came and sat down.  I asked them if they knew anything about who these women were.  They informed me that Vandeweghe was American and Muguruza was from Spain.  My cheering pattern changed drastically for the 3rd set and what a set it was.  Again the deuces went on and on.  1 all, 2 all, 3 all, 4 all, 5 all, Vandeweghe goes up 6-5.  Muguruza serves.  Vandeweghe has already had 4 match points but lost them all.  Then Vandeweghe  goes up 15-40 (you always say server score first)  so 2 more match points and she lost them both.  I am quite sure it went to 10 deuces before Muguruza double faulted match point.  What a match it had been. 
We jumped up and headed down to see Querrey and Klahn, both from America.  It was 5 all in the 4th set when it started to rain. 
Cocoa Vandeweghe
Brad was really excited about the ball boys/girls. 
Every time they would go for a ball he would yell, "Get it Kramer!"
The rich look on.

Querrey and Klahn

We had been smart enough to bring an umbrella and we headed as fast as we could for the Southfield station.  Umbrella or not we were drenched before we got there.   We caught the right tube and headed for Victoria.  It took some doing but after about 8 tries we found the train to Lingfield – leaves at 9:23 on platform 19.  Soon we were headed home.  Talk about a frustration and a thrill.  I will never believe you have to queue for a solid 5 hours to get in but the major point is that we did get in.  We saw wonderful tennis; front row and center court.  A couple of complete foreigners had found their way into London and back to Wimbledon and had out lasted the queue.  A dream comes true!  Our lives were blessed!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lesson from the Brits Week 6 June 15th to June 21st, 2014

Another week already?  This one just seemed to just zoom by; it only feels like about three months ago since I last wrote.  LeeAnn thought it was a long week as well so something must have been in the air.  It really seemed rather ordinary so on real ordinary days I am going to add some other stories and happening that happened along the way but I thought they could wait.  Hope you enjoy my attempt at keeping a memory for us.

3                             Internet Service – the main one in England (or only one we have seen)
Dongle                  An internet router
Plaster                  Band Aid
Trolley                  Grocery shopping cart

1.  Father’s Day in England or Brad Strikes Again
Eric will appreciate this story more than most.  Brad was up and out the door early as driving makes him nervous or else the fact that he hates to be late for anything.  I ran into the bathroom and grabbed the toothpaste out of his little travel bag.  I got in on my toothbrush but as I put it in my mouth I thought something was very wrong.  I tried to pull it out quickly but missed a bit.  Dang that husband for keeping the toothpaste and the hemorrhoid cream side by side.
We had to drive to church again today but we lost our trusting shot gun navigator.  Brian had to drive the church van so Brown’s went with us.  It was so fun to get together and hear all the excitement of each other’s shifts.  The meeting was very nice; the talks were on repentance.  Afterward the primary children all passed out a little sack of candy to the fathers.  It was very sweet.
Our Relief Society lesson was taught by a Sister Davie.  Instantly I was connected as she was all dolled up in Navajo jewelry.  I had to take her picture in case any of my Navajo's read the blog.
After church we had a wonderful meal of pork chops and then had a great nap.  We thought we could call the kids but it was just too late to stay up.  We did call Ron and Diana and then blogged.  Brad was a bit queasy and I was still afraid he was getting my joy so we didn’t dare go to the fireside.  We went downstairs and worked on the internet.
Again, we had fun talking with the Ibbotson’s from Australia. 
                                          From here on out, I pick where the toothpaste goes.
Sister Davey in her Navajo Squash Blossom.
2.  Internet, Hot dogs and Bridges
I started the day bound and determined to get some kind of internet in our flat.  I called the 3 number and believe it or not, just like America I got someone from India.  He was so frustrated with me that I finally just burst into tears and cried.  He kept asking how we had internet and I kept explaining that we plugged this white think into the wall, but that today it only had a green battery sign flashing on and off.  Finally Brad came and he talked to him and said to try it later.
Monday is our day off so we made plans with Mulholland’s to go to Costco.  Brad was brilliant all the way there.  Well done.  Well done.  We bought what we could find but they do not have near what they do in the US.  We had a hot dog and headed home.  Again, Brad was brilliant.  Then we decided to go into East Grinstead to look for a cake pan and pastry blender.  As we were pulling out of the parking lot Brad pulled right into the right lane where a car was rushing right toward us.  He then swerved to the left and we were saved.  Brian told him to just take the road we were on as he thought it would come back around.  It did not but it was a lovely road of narrow roads with trees growing right up and over you till they cut an archway for you to drive through.  Very old homes and buildings were there as well so it was a beautiful drive.  Then along came a little bridge and Brad headed across.  The car coming the other way laid on the horn and Brian started yelling ‘stop.’    Brad did stop and then yelled, ‘how come I had to stop?’  ‘Because the sign told you to yield to oncoming traffic.’  ‘Oh!’  It was a bit frightful but we all endured the experience.  As we were pulling into the parking lot we saw President Johnson and when he turned to see us he plastered himself against the bushes.  Quite funny, that one.
While I was down washing Brad tried the 3 people again.  He got a lady from Scotland and she gave us a nice program to get things going.  He told her not to put him on hold but she did and the second time he just gave up and hung up.  She had our information and said she would send us a new sim card and we would be well set when the post arrived.  We are not holding our breath.  I finished the wash  and ironed and got ready for the week ahead.  
Believe it or not, the hardest part is going to the right side of the car,
I mean the left side of the car which is the right side of the car.
3.  Treadmills and Suit Coats
Tuesday we headed to the little gym because they had a new treadmill.  I started on it and since I had no idea what I was doing just used the default program.  It was only 16 minutes, how bad could that be.  GOOD GRIEF!  It dang near killed me.  Brad decided he would do something easier.
We had a good day at the temple but we are on the late shift again and we are the last one’s out.  As we were walking out Murdock’s were on the sidewalk waiting for us.  He told Brad how nice he looked in his suit.  Brad said thanks.  Then Brad said he was finding all sorts of things in it.  He pulled out some Bert’s Bees lip chap said he didn’t know where this came from.  I happened to notice Brother Murdock rubbing his name bag.  Just as Brad s started putting on the lip chap Brother Murdock started to yell ah – ah-ah –ah.  I yelled STOP!  Brad says, “What am I doing now?”  That isn’t your lip chap.  You have on Brother Murdock’s coat – it is his lip chap!  We laughed almost all night over that on.  When Brad went to put on that lip chap Brother Murdock wasn’t going to put up with that.  So funny.
4.  Soreness and Haircuts
I was so sore when I got up Wednesday I thought I should go back to bed.  We only did one lap.  I even tried to run a little to help my aching muscles.  I couldn’t believe that even my arms ached.  I went over and got a hair cut from LeeAnn and that was great fun.  After the haircut I ran to the post and bless my aching heart – our  sim card was  there.  We rushed upstairs and put it in.  Now it seemed the dongle’s cord wasn’t going to work but Brad took it apart and set it in and by nightfall it was working just fine.  We tip toe around it for fear of another disaster.
The temple was a pretty good day.  When people go through the temple the first time they do it for themselves and then they search for ancestors and do the ordinances it for them.  One of the names was Mame.  When I saw it I said to this dear little OLD sister, ‘oh we have a musical’……. And this little lady lifts up her skirt and says shall I dance it and does a kick or two.  I nearly died laughing.  By the way, it is very hard for me to die laughing in quiet.  I am not so good at it.  If you remember, I am the one being told to be quiet on tennis courts, let alone in the temple.  Perhaps one day I will learn.

A dongle and a messy dresser top. But then the dresser isn't that big, is it?

Yes-er-ee!  I got internet today and my brain went elsewhere!
5.  Fit Sisters and Shopping
Brad told Brother Ibbotson that he would let him in the exercise room at 7:30 so we headed over early.  The men exercised indoors but I headed out and about.  Afterwards we went shopping and had quite fun there.  We found a Clark’s shoe store which was very good.  One interesting thing I have found while shopping is the trolleys or shopping carts.  They are 4 wheel drive.  No kidding – they go all four directions as smooth as can be.  It is very handy going up and down and side the aisles.  At most stores you also have to pay to get a trolley.  You put a pound in and when you put it up, the pound pops out.  Sister Freeman just couldn’t understand why you would want to steal a shopping cart.  I told her that is why she is working in the temple, she doesn’t think like a thief.
Our temple shift went well and soon we were home nestled in our bed readying our book, The White Queen.  I don’t think it was that great to be in a royal family at that time.
The Post Office in East Grinstead.  We are proud of this pix!

Can you see the wheels?  I am doing the grapevine with my trolley.
Our mission van parked next to a roadster so Sister Freeman had
her pictures taken with it to tell her children she had just bought it.

We also thought it was interesting that there is a mobile
car was going through the parking lot washing your car while you shop.
6.  Not Today
After a couple of heavy workouts we slept in on Friday.  It was just a lazy start to the day.  I had promised myself I would get up and go count airplanes but that didn’t happen either.  I did go out for pictures but didn’t do that well.
My blood pressure/headache pills did not come in time in America so we drove over to Lingfield to the surgery there to get new ones.  They will not give a pill without a Dr. appointment which only makes sense but it ticked me off.  I should have ordered way earlier in America.  We tried to find the tennis courts again but got lost again.  Driving is such a treat here!
Friday  is our long day at the temple but it wasn’t too bad.  They told me that since I didn’t mind the kitchen I would be doing that Saturday and they would trade me off with Sister Marsh since they needed fit sisters for that job.  Sister Marsh is just a beaming that she is considered the ‘fit’ sister at 78.  She just cracks Brad up.  She jumps out of the van and off she goes by herself and wanders around the town like a pro.  They also served in Korea, Africa and the Philippines so this may be easy for her.
We were all supposed to go to laundry to fold towels at the end of the day which was complete over kill on that one; perhaps 4 of us, but not all of us.  Anyhow, that fell through as there was no baptistery for the day.  Tuesday they had 8 of us staying and finally realized only 2 were needed and sent the others home.  Funny what lead mares can do!

One of a million flying over our heads each day.

This is a pictures from the passenger side driving in Lingfield.
7.  Lovely day and Lovely Meal
Oh, it was so pretty Saturday morning.  We start at 10 AM so we just got up and ready for the temple.  We had a very good day – busy but not overwhelming.  We did get about 5 or 6 of us folding towels in the end but that lasted about 10 minutes and ended in towel keep away games between Sister Pemberton and me.  I decided it is easier to get to know people on the morning shift when they are just coming in.  I did make one dear friend this week.  She was in the basement Monday when I was down there blogging and had just got a call her daughter was in labor. Not only did that daughter have a baby this week, but her son’s wife as well so she got 2 new grandchildren this week.  She was here with 3 older sisters and actually we all got on very well indeed.
Brad said we were going out to eat with Mulholland’s again.  I had teased Brian about not taking him to McDonald’s because he laughed at Brad when Brad put his dark shoes back on with his white temple clothes.  But they decided to go to a Toby’s Cavern in Crawley and it was very good.  We stuffed ourselves and then came home for a Mangum ice cream bar and did the wash and ironing.  Rather long day but a very nice day indeed, wasn’t it?
Silly us -- we didn't take the camera.

So the days rush on.  Another full week has passed and the long awaited day is coming very close indeed.  This week we became complete – we have internet.  But now I have a huge new problem.  It does not matter how many times a day you open it, if people don’t write, people don’t write.  I check over and over again hoping to find a new email and I am getting pretty tired of Beal advertisements and vacationstogo ads. (I actually stopped them because I don’t think we are going on a vacation any time soon.)   My grandson just went into horror this week when he didn’t get an email and since I have had some facebook notices I cannot get that upset, but if anyone has time, I surely like to hear from home.  I love you and miss you and good old America as well (especially the spacious roads)!
Cheers and Bless You,
Stay Believing,
Our love,
E/S Parkinson – as in Brad and Marie

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 5 June 8th to the 14th, 2014

Does the world get bigger or smaller?  I just have to wonder at times how you can be so far away from nearly everything you hold dear and still feel like you are among such dear friends.  It is truly amazing how this great big world of our gets so small in many ways.  I seemed to learn that time and again this week.

Duck’s Guts                        Something really, really good or best of the best.  (Actually Australian)
Top of the Wazzer             Very Best (Also Australian)
Gagee                                   Crow (actually Navajo, but it was fun)
Patch on it                           Didn’t compare, wasn’t as good
fluff                                       mistake

1.   Prayers and Round Abouts or When is a left turn a right turn?
We made it up and got ourselves all ready for this great drive to church.  We decided we needed a good prayer for this experience.  Brad is at the wheel on the wrong side and Brian Mulholland is driving shot gun.  Off we go.  Really it went very well.  There are about 10 or more round abouts and that can drive a person crazy trying to figure out which exist to take.  You signal right going around a left round about until you find the exit you want at which time you need to signal left and shift and maybe fix your hair all at the same time with the wrong hand.  We made it!!!  Everyone was very impressed.
Church was great and then we are home.  We were all mixed up first on the movie we thought was the night before and wasn’t and then on the ‘hi and bye’ that we thought was that day and wasn’t.  Mulholland's asked us to dinner again for a wonderful pork roast and carrots.  So good. 
When we were walking home there was this Australian bloke resting on the bench.  The Ibbotson’s have come to us from the Perth Temple where he served in the temple presidency.  They were born in England and wanted to return for a while.  They are just here – not on a mission – but working in the temple as much as they can.  He and Brad talked horsed for hours or a very long time.  We walked around the temple grounds and met a darling family from France with 3 kids.  So cute!
We tried to call but didn’t get through so just headed to bed.
Brian Mulholland and Brad -- who looks the calmest?
From the back seat it wasn't bad :).
2. Solo – Short Hair and Blogs
We decided we had all the groceries we needed and we were ready to solo.  We drove over to Lingfield to try to find the tennis courts.  Our driving was fine but we surely couldn’t take directions about round abouts.  ‘The first round about take the second and the second take the first.’  We missed something but saw a lot of the town.  We decided to go to the service station for directions.  We couldn’t find a place to park so decided we would just put gas (diesel) in.  Well, we find the gas tank but cannot open it.  We are punching every gadget on the dashboard.  We read and reread the owner’s manual.  Finally we find refueling instead of fuel where we have been looking and it says to push on the back of it.  Sure enough, 15 minutes later we could open our gas tank and put in fuel.  We never did get to the courts but found a gorgeous race track and golf course.   They said the courts were for members only but Crawley had some free ones.  We were only 2 blocks away but decided to go home. 
We exercised and then I cut Brad’s hair.  I think I did pretty good job with our new chippers from Testco.  Then I called Sister Brown and she helped me set up my blog.  Brad came down and told me supper was ready and boy was it ever!  I thought I had bought some salmon but had picked up Loch Trout instead.  It was the best fish I have ever eaten.  We took a picture of Brad eating the Lock Nest Monster for his grandkids.  The rest of the night I worked on emailing and blogging and had great fun.  I am catching up.  Oh and I did the wash at 40 degrees.
Grandpa eats the Loch Nest Monster!
3.  Instant Love
We are back on the early shift and our assignment asked us to be there even earlier so we made it right on time – or 35 minutes early.  Oh well, Brad was happy as he hates to be late.  I was standing in the locker room where the patrons (people attending the temple) come in to change into their white clothes.  A woman walked in and I said welcome and reached out my arm.  She grabbed my arm, laid her head on my shoulder and just started to cry.  “I am so glad to be here.  I need to be here.  I have so many decisions in my life.  I want to be here.”  It was wonderful.  The day went very well.  Many times I will ask them their name.  “Sister Holt.”  Oh, we have a lot of Holts in Idaho where I am from.  “I am from Idaho!”  Who are your parents ?  “Well, I am a DaBell…..”  You are Jennifer South’s sister!  She is my next door neighbor.  HUGS!  It was such a riot.  They are here for just a few days setting up home to move over.  They felt a need to come to the temple and we connected first thing!
After our temple shift I started in on our blog and emails.  I tried to call Judy Hood but she was busy so I emailed Kathy Webb, President Clark’s (BYUI President) secretary and she sent me the instructions on how to set up a distribution list.  It worked and I started sending out emails.  Thanks Kathy!  So much fun.  Blog done for 2 weeks and 2 emails sent as well.  Accomplishment.
4.  Beams and Lost to the world again!
It does seem early to be to the temple by 8 AM but we are now making it only 30 minutes early.  It was another very lovely day at the temple.  We had a wedding with the cutest woman in the world from Thailand marrying a man from the Isle of Madeira (Wood).  That woman was so excited I didn’t think we could hold her together.  She just beamed.  She cried big happy tears nearly the whole day and had the entire shift in tears as well.  I was so happy for her!  The Isle of Madeira speaks Portuguese but her husband was as emotional as she was and couldn’t open his mouth for fear of crying.  What a special, special day!
After our shift we went to the temple just for us so that was very nice.  We made it home and fixed our new found chicken tenders from Costco and thought we were in heaven.  Then we turned on the internet to find out that we had run out.  Sadness indeed.  We will buy a better program next time.  The man told us this was just a fix that we could top off but we couldn’t top it off so we will try again soon. 
5.  An International Temple.
We kept hearing that the London Temple is one of 4 international temples.  We didn’t understand that but we are getting better at it.  The instruction session can be conducted in 80 languages.  When a patron comes in we need to find out what language they need and then make sure we get them the things they need for their own language.  Amazing!  This week seems to be our most diversified as to nationalities.  Brad and I tried to remember every country we have worked with but I know we will miss a few:
England, France, Belgium, Flanders, Netherlands, France (lots), Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Isle of Madeira, Italy, Kuwait, Malta, South Africa, India, Thailand, China, New Caledonia, Mexico, Brazil and the United States.  And for the United States we have California, lots in Utah, Rigby, Idaho and Preston, Idaho, Nashville, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania.  A young man from Pennsylvania received his mission call while he and his family were traveling in England so they took him through the England Temple for his first time. 
 I again asked a lady her name and she said ‘Hartvigsen.’  No Way! I exclaim.  Some of best friends and tennis players are Hartvigsen’s.  They were staying at the accommodations center so we chatted last night.  So fun.  I am also bonded to a couple from Brittany and New Caledonia, the Bertola’s.  They come once a year to spend a week at the temple.  MAN, there are sooooo many great people in this world!
We had Mulholland’s over to our huge dining room for hot dogs again.  Then they stayed to play Toss Up and we had so much fun. 

Our first game!
The Hartvigsen's -- Joshua and Melissa
6. Friday the 13th or Birds vs Gatwick
About 2 AM I woke up and felt like I need a potty break.  About 3:30 AM I really needed a potty break.  By 4 AM I knew this was not good.  I didn’t feel sick but by know I am almost dizzy.  I lay there all night and tried to figure out what I had done wrong with the meal.  I was just sick that I had made our friends sick as well.  I kept waiting for Brad to join in the fun but he didn’t seem interested.  I kept asking him to call Brian and LeeAnn and see if they were sick but he wouldn’t.  I dreamed Brian was really sick and LeeAnn was laughing about it.  Then I had an awful, stupid dream.  I didn’t want to sleep anymore so I just laid there and listened to the birds.  Amazing!  We have these very interesting birds that just sing to the top of their lungs from about 4:30 to 6:00 AM.  Then Gatwick starts taking off and Friday seems to be their favorite day.  Zoom, Zoom, Zoom over and over again.  I decided the birds get up early so they don’t have to compete with Gatwick.  Flying friends of different feathers getting along in their own special way.
 Finally the alarm went off.  I made Brad call and they were not sick.  That helped me a little.  We were not 30 minutes early but I made it.  I said I was good for a sitter for the day and stayed away best I could.  I made it.  I came home and slept for about 2 hours.   I felt much better.  We ate a frozen pizza and then went down to the basement for internet and calls. We talked with our friends of the week which was great. 

The Bertola's -- Erik & Alina, from Brittany, France and New Caledonia.  
The first time I saw her we were in the same white outfit. 
She said, 'Twins'.  I poked my little pot belly out to match
her 7 month PG and said, 'for sure.'  We were bonded.
(Don't they just have a glow about them?)
7.  Calls and Birthday Dinners
We had to be even earlier this morning but I felt great so it was okay.  It was a very slow Saturday at the temple but a very nice day.  One of the ladies had really been working on genealogy and had lots of Porter names.  I told her our good friends from Idaho were Porter’s which really excited her.  I also saw the name Beesley so I figured it was an omen that I needed to call Janet.  After our shift I ran to the basement and called her and begged her to pick up because this strange number was not a telemarketer.  She did and we talked for an hour and I was in heaven again.
We called Mulholland’s and they said they were just leaving.  Brad said good, he would get the car ready.  We took them to – of all things a Western BBQ restaurant in England.  It was his 66th birthday.  We had wings and ribs and a bunch of other stuff.  It was really pretty good.  Our first official restaurant but not a very English one.   It was funny to see all the waitresses dressed in cowgirl stuff and speaking with an English accent.  On the way home the men stopped to watch a bit of cricket but the women stayed in the car.  One other episode on the way home was that Brad pulled out into the right lane which is the wrong land and then had to swerve into the left lane which is the right lane and ran a red light doing so.  There were a few screams in the back seat.  We lived!  Then we had brownies and ice cream at their (Mulholland’s) house.  Next was the movie and they had baked him a chocolate cake over there as well.  I was stuffed.  The movie was Narnia which I love so it was a good night.

Brian & LeeAnn Mulholland with the Western Menu.

Brian eats his ribs.  I think LeeAnn was having a bite as well.

Brad holding up our Hoof Wipes. 
The table of 4 with little food left.
And week 5 is in the history books.  Things are moving right along.  We passed the official 1 month mark so we are now 1/18th finished.  We got an email from Brittan, our grandson, and he is 1/4th finished.  He is serving in Sidney, Nebraska; the original home of Cabela’s.
There was not any great excitement but certainly a lot of connections that seemed almost unreal. I love the phrase ‘Each Life that Touches Ours for Good.’  Wouldn’t that be a great song?  Ha ha – Thanks Karen.  Let me just review some of the connections since leaving on this mission:
Karen – Diana’s Sister                                                                    Hugs and Love
Wilson’s – our kids are best friends in Las Vegas                     Hugs and Love
Brown’s – we are going to London with you                            Hugs and Love
President Johnson – my thanks to you for coming                 Hugs and Love
All the temple staff – you live by Anderson’s                          Hugs and Love
Joyce Osborn – Florence Bowman is my dear friend             Hugs and Love
Holt, Dabell – your sister is my next door neighbor               Hugs and Love
Hartvigsen – our friends in Rexburg                                         Hugs and Love
Harrop – that was my Bishop in LaBelle                                  Hugs and Love
McClellan – I use to be the Bishop in LaBelle                        Hugs and Love
Anderson’s (Tom and Joan) – we knew Rex & Konda         Hugs and Love
and the list goes on and on.  The dear lady from France that came to hug me good bye because I had been kind to her.  The threesome from England that came for the week and we are now eternally bonded.  Our couple and three children from Brittany, France.  And what is the greatest part of all this.  Next week the list will even be bigger.  I find it interesting how soon complete strangers become such good friends and we all find so many connections.  This great big world of ours is pretty small indeed. 
May God Bless and Keep You,
God Lives,
Love much,
E/S Parkinson