Thursday, February 5, 2015

Lessons from the Brits Week 31 December 7th to December 13th

Life is moving right along here in jolly old England.  This week has had its share of experiences; a few ups and a couple of downs.  Never mind!  It is the Christmas season and we are basking in the joy of the greatest event of all mankind.  Oh, and the chocolate is great!
Our first full frost!
If I could change one thing about my flat it would be the frig.  We have a little tiny frig under the cupboards to the far right end of the kitchen.  You have to pull the chair out from the table and sit on it and then start unloading it to find anything.  I am a bit amazed at how much I can get inside but finding it is no easy task.  Oh, for a beautiful side by side with water and ice in the door.  To stand straight up to open the frig and see directly side at all the beautiful shelves.  Ohhhh!

1.  Sunday again and it is stake conference.  It was all I could do to get up and ready.  We made it but not early enough for a good seat but they had a little TV right in front of us in the back.  Conference was fine but I guess the meeting the night before was much better.  President Johnson told the same story he did last time about knowing the author of the book.
We had dinner here by ourselves and finally got a nap.  I think I slept forever.  Tonight Roger’s from our shift are speaking at the fireside so we got over there in time to get good seats.  They were very good.  Their son-in-law is a wonderful singer/pianist and they had a couple of musical numbers that just thrilled you.  So very nice.
We rushed home and dished up cake (which Brad made last night – from a mix which is very rare here) and ice cream and Mulholland’s came but way later than we expected.  We put it back in the freezer before it completely melted.  Lovely chat and dessert with them.
Then to the dungeon to call the kids and try to work on the internet.  Nice night.

Our picture in front of the Visitor Center's statue of Christ!

  London AgainI must say that I really enjoy going to London.  I still have a few things I need to see for the first time and there are things that I could see/do over and over again like riding the eye.  Today, we are taking Mulholland’s to see the Christmas sights.
Brad had a Dr. appointment to draw blood so he went and took care of that while I got some wash done and got ready.  Last week was so warm and today looked good so I didn’t take that much and left with a bit of wet hair.  BAD IDEA!
We got into London and now I am a complete wiz with the tube.  I knew every stop and whether to go east/west and where to exit.  We headed to Harrod’s first and went right to the toy department.  WOW!  We could have stayed there all day.  We had so much fun with all their displays – especially the magic tricks.  Their stuffed animals were a bit much as they had full sized lions and 8 foot giraffe’s.  The claim of Harrod’s is that they will sell anything you want.  Walking around in there you would have to believe the economy is doing well as the place is just packed.  We went down stairs and bought some goodies and headed to stop number 2.
Next was Covent Garden’s again.  We ate there but not at the same place and Brad was a bit disappointed there.  Then we walked down to the piazza where there was a guy doing a magic show.  They all watched but I was literally freezing to death and tried to run inside but just couldn’t get out of the wind and cold.  We went through the stores for about an hour and we bought some hot chocolate.
Then we headed to Oxford Street.  Goodness!  I have never seen such a display.  I realize that I have never been in New York for Christmas but I never expected anything like this.  Whole store fronts – 4 to 6 stories high are solid lights with changing displayed projected on them.  Side streets are also done up.  Selfridges is supposed to have the most amazing windows and yes – they were amazing but a bit strange.  They were all in some take off of a children’s story like ‘Red Riding Hood.’
We went in the store and walked around a bit.  The toy department was completely sad.  Brad had so sit down so we went to the shoe department and all I can say about that was – Good Grief!
We finished walking down the street, almost bought a pair of shoes at Clark’s for Brad, and then went around the corner and down to Hamley’s – the biggest toy store in London.  There were 8 floors of toys and a yelling display clerk at every corner.  I did want the remote car that went up the walls and on the ceiling. 
And then we were headed back to Victoria and back to Lingfield and rest our little feet for the next morning – early shift.

Store window displays at Harrod's.
3.  How angry can Brad get!
Early seemed really early.  We made it so all is well.  This week we have more sisters than we have ever had but everything moved very smoothly in my neck of the woods.  We also had a very special happening – the London South Mission is bringing every missionary to the temple and then have a bit dinner for them.  They are bring over 60 each day so we get at least one big session with lots of work in clothing to get them all white clothes.  That was so cool to see all these wonderful 18 to 20 year old youth who have dedicated 2 years of their lives to go and serve the Lord at an age when most youth just go carefree.  I love our missionary program.  I only wish Brit would have been here! 
It did seem like a long day but I thought everything went rather smoothly.  Did I say ‘I’.  Brad came home so made I thought we were on our way home for sure.   In fact, those were his exact words.  ‘One more time of being corrected by every fellow worker – not the guy in charge but just the other guy – and he is coming for me and I am telling Sister Callaghan sorry and we are on our way out.  Goodness he was ticked. 
We took a bit of a nap – about 2 hours – and then fixed supper and headed to the visitor’s center for the Christmas devotional.  Loved it!  This is a devotional under the direction of our Prophet where we have a few speakers and The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra.  Oh, it was so good.  Elder Christofferson spoke and he melted Brad’s anger.  I think we will stay.

Lego displays at Harrod's

Harrod's toy department.  Could have stayed all day!
4. Book EndsOkay, my mouth is not my friend at many times of my life but this was not my fault.  One of the biggest problems here is that everyone has worked somewhere where it is done better and they can tell you straight away what is wrong here.  That gets really old as ‘here’ is much different than that ‘somewhere’.  Well, a single sister was talking about how the single sisters didn’t get all the coordinating positions the married sisters did.  Actually this was rather funny because last week she was a coordinator and this week she is a coordinator.  Trying to back up the people in charge of making assignments I said it would be EASIER for them to just put down a married couple for a job than finding 2 different people to do it.  Well, she took it that I said married couples could do it better and boy did she blast me when we were down changing into our whites.  Brad last night and her this morning.  I tried and tried to explain to her I said easier to assign jobs but she just came back that there should be more than making it easy on the shift coordinators.  Only Anderson’s can fully comprehend that statement.
After our shift we were going to do a session but Brad had told Mulholland’s he would take them to get their jab (flu shot – by the way – the office called and said they saw they hadn’t had one so called them in to do so.  Not bad NHS!)  so we just came home.
Callaghan’s had both Mulholland’s and us for dinner and it was WONDERFUL.  She cooked a turkey, roast potatoes, roast parsnips (love them), peas, carrots, cauliflower, gravy and home made Yorkshire pudding.  She served the plates and had way too much for me and I ate every bit.  BULGE!  Then she had chocolate cake to die for with about an inch of whipped cream frosting and we still poured double cream all over it.  Really fun night!

Brother and Sister Callaghan, the cooks!
Mulholland's (along with us) enjoy the efforts.
5.  All done in!
It sure seems like the day starts earlier and earlier.  (It could be that we read to midnight almost every night.)  We did make it up and to the temple but I had Brad go ahead as I just couldn't hurry.  It was a great day at the temple.  The second set of missionaries came and we had 26 sister missionaries today.  Our youth is beautiful.  I came home so tired I talked Brad out of going shopping and I baked bread and rolls instead.  Really good I might add.  Brad ran over to Lingfield and bought milk and we just add a quiet night with our book.

From here on down is Oxford Street at Christmas.



Some window display's at Shelfridge's.  Nothing to do with Christmas but interesting/weird.
6.  Busy day.
Today we were much busier so it made it a very good day.  We made it home to collapse and enjoy a lovely nap.  I wonder about those days of exercise but consider those days long gone.  My feet are hurting so badly I am starting to worry about the future.  Oh well, never mind.  Had a nice tea, went over to internet a bit and home to our book and soak my feet. 

More Oxford Street!

7.  Joined at the hip!
Early, early!  We made it to the temple by 7:10 AM to dress and get things ready.  My helpers didn’t show up so I was a bit nervous but Sister Rodriguez came and all was well.  (She is over 90, mostly blind, can hardly hear and walk – and a pure example to everyone.  Love that woman!)
Today was MY busiest day ever.  We had 7 new patrons (first time going through temple) show up on our shift and I am to get them started on their way.  Meantime, I took care of about 20 other sisters and I was busy out of my mind.  I think it went well because the matron (temple president’s wife) came down and thanked me and said I had done a job.
AND today we got an early Christmas present – Sister Freeman came back.  She looks wonderful but has terrible jet lag.  Oh, it is so good to see her again.  More fun is on the way!
So, there always seems to be a good and a bad to balance out our lives.  I will first mention the bad.  A temple worker I didn’t know came today and worked with me.  I thought we were doing well.  I was standing by her and noticed that her shawl was all crocked and so I reached over and fixed it.  She immediately threw it back like it was.  I said I didn’t realize she was making a fashion statement and she let me have it on how she was feeling the spirit so lovely and then I completely ruined it and that regardless of what I thought, I was not her mother.  Good Grief!  What is with this week?  I was so shocked!  Sister Box who saw the whole thing came up to me and apologized over and over about how that was not called for.  My new saying is ‘keep your hands off.’
Now, the good!  I was just rushing out of my mind when I caught sight of a familiar face.  I yelled (whispered loudly) and ran for her.  It was one of my ‘3 joined at the hip’ sisters and she was trying to get the others to come to see me.  We had a big hug and they were able to work with me during the day.  After my shift we met outside so I could get their picture.  They gave me a present to put on some more hip so we can all be joined at the hip.  I love: Sister Howard, Sister Horne, and Sister Busby!  They had Sister Hill and Sister Goodwin so there were 5 at the hip today.  I also had a Sister Toogood today.  I got a laugh out of that and since her husband is bishop of their ward, she is use to it.  My ‘3 at the hip’ completely were so good the bad was almost forgotten.
After our shift we went out to our Thai place with Orton’s.  Yummy!  Then we went to ‘The Miracle on 34th Street’ which was so cute.  If you can remember Santa sings a Dutch song in it.  When he started to sing it we were all yelling at Pilgrim and she started singing it with them.  (Since then every time I see her she tries to teach it to me
.  McClellan had bags of candy for all of us.  So nice.!
As we were walking out – I just wanted to talk to a child so we went in the reading room and called Katie.  More than coincidence – I think so!  They were just walking in with dachshund puppies.  My life is complete again  - a Parkinson has a dachshund (okay she is a Staten but she is still mine).  They are the most beautiful things!  I was so excited and wanted so much to jump on a plane so I could go home and train them.  I love puppies.

 3 or rather 5 joined at the hip.  I will find out the first 2 names later, but Sister Howard is center, then Sister Horne and next Sister Busby.
Now Complete!
Brother Porter, 93, who just baptized his friend at the nursing home. 
The coach pulls away!  Waving good-bye to my friends!

Linus and Lucy

And that does the week!  All over!  Lots of fun and exciting things and a little balance as well.  I just hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday season.  Take care now and don’t slip.  Bless.  Oh, Bless!


The end of Oxford Street. Quite a fun live band,

Now, Hamley's toy store -- the largest toy store in England.  8 stories.

 Be giving, what need I say more?

Eat veggies,

Our Love,

The Parkinson’s  

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