Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 11 July 20th to July 26th, 2014

Our mission to the Rez will always be known as our emotional mission.  Our hearts so immediately wrapped around our dear Navajo’s that every joy and every misery they experienced were also a part of us.  These past couple of weeks has been rather emotional here.  Life always has elements that are hard to understand or ‘get your mind around’ as the Brits would say.  But just when you are good and sad something fabulous happens!

Salt or Pepper Pot                           Salt or Pepper Shaker
Salt or Pepper Cellar                       Salt or Pepper Shaker
Cruet Set                                           A pair of Salt and Pepper Shakers
1.  Smores vs Cream Puffs
Sunday – a day of rest.  After a Saturday at the temple it is almost true.  We got up, drove to church and back, fixed a snack dinner and slept forever.  At 5PM we had choir practice but I stayed home to cook and President Erwin came to chat.  There was a fireside at 6 PM and we made that.  Fine. 
Then we went to dinner at Ibbotson’s with Mulholland’s there as well.  Adreene had a wonderful dinner for us and we ate and ate.  The cutest thing was that it was so hot we were almost melting but she had a candle burning to help the smell.  Brad and Brian kept holding their hands over it to warm themselves.  After dinner when we were talking about dessert they asked for smores over the campfire.   They are funny!   I had made cream puffs which turned out pretty good but I should have baked them a bit longer to give them a better crust.  We also noticed a huge difference in their whip cream over here.  It is almost solid when you start and whips in 3 seconds and doesn’t expand to make a bunch.  I also had lemon curd to put in them and everyone seemed to enjoy them.   Great fun night.  We walked around the temple afterwards just to get a bit of cool air.
This is my attempt at a reflections picture.  I cut off Angel Moroni.  Sorry.
The David O McKay oak tree.
He was the prophet when the temple was built.
2.  Castles and Cottages
Today was very nice indeed.  We were on our way by 9 AM and traveled to Bodium Castle.  It was built in 1385 and of course had fallen down quite a bit but we could still understand this once masterpiece.  It had over 30 fireplaces and had toilets.  It was very interesting to actually walk inside such history.  We got in our cars and headed to the next site.  Our van got a bit lost and went and extra 35 minutes.  I never understand why people don’t stay together but our driver doesn’t believe in that.  We ate our little lunch and then headed out to see Rudyard Kipling’s cottage and yards.  It was very nice and very pretty.  There were gardens and paths and even a flour mill.  Great fun.  After our visit we got in the car and of course we got lost again on the way home and took about another hour.  Our driver loves getting us lost and finding the way back the long way.  Oh well, it was a great day.
At the horse mount with Ibbotson's
Colleen Freeman, my friend. 
Several pictures of Bodium Castle!!!! 
 3.  Same old….
Back to work.  We have the early shift so we need to be there and ready by 8:30 AM.  It was a pretty good day as we were busy till the end.  For some reason we were so tired when we finished that we fell so sound asleep that we couldn’t get to sleep at night.  I spent forever looking for my fox but I never saw him.  We have found a little bunny in our backyard but he wasn’t out that night either.

Rudyard Kipling's Home.

Sister Marsh checking out the signs.

The back of the house, or maybe the front.

Rudyard Kipling

The Nobel Prize for Literature

Jungle Book Characters
A small pond in front of the home.  The Brown's and Sister Curley are getting a picture.

4.  Clothing and Comedians
I was in charge of the till and clothing rental.  I moseyed over to the temple for the 9:10 prayer meeting when it hit me that I should have been there at 8:30 to help the early arrivals.  I rushed to get there but was very late and Sister Pilgrim who was my emergency sub was not the list bit thrilled with me.  I spent the rest of the day there and had some up and down experiences with people.  Almost the last people I helped came in and they were in the funniest mood.  They had gotten off track and had gone an extra 1 hour and 45 minutes in getting there.  They kept making fun of one another and they had me in stitches.  The man asked for everything but a white shirt.  I asked him what size and he said, “15 & ½.”  I took down a white shirt, folded it and went to hand it to him and noticed he had a white shirt on.  “I thought you didn’t want a white shirt?”  “Oh, yeah.”  That started them up again and we all laughed till tears ran down my face.  Boy, did I need that!

This was a fabulous plant -- giant rhubarb if you will.

5.  Ancestors and Miracles
 Well, today was interesting but not always in a good way.  I gave the spiritual thought in prayer meeting.   I liked the message but the delivery could have been better.   Here it is:
Elder Kendrick stated that “One of the great blessings that we enjoy today is the opportunity to attend the temple.  With an ever-increasing number of temples, the blessings of the temple are available to a growing number of church members.”
My heart is always full of gratitude as I realize that out of all the billions of people that were born on the earth, we have been chosen to be born in the day and age when temples are not only restored but are dotting the earth.  Not only temples but temples with the complete Melchizedek Priesthood ordinances offered not only to Aaron and his sons but to every worthy man and woman of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  In the temple we can be sealed together as families both the living and those who have gone before us.
Many of your stories start with you opening the door to the missionaries and opening your heart to the message of the good news of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is wonderful to listen to your stories and the changes that have happened as you have embraced the gospel.  My story is far different.  My great-great-great grandmother was the first person baptized in her little village in Norway.  Other grandparents were also converted in the late 1830’s and 1840’s of both Norway and Denmark.  When the call came to come to the temple and build Zion on the earth, they left all that they had, some even gave their very lives in answering the call to go to Utah.
Today is the 24th of July, Pioneer Day in Utah and Idaho.  I would like to pay respect to my ancestors for living their testimonies and leaving an example of faith and courage for me.  Now some 175 years later, their great-great-great granddaughter left all that was dear and answered the call to come to the temple of London, England; that my grandchildren and great grandchildren will know how much my testimony means to me.  I know my Savior lives, his gospel is restored to the earth, and that the temple work binds heaven and earth.  It is true.”
While I felt good about that the rest of the day was not so good.  By the time I made it home I just collapsed on the bed and fell sound asleep.  Brad suggested we try one more time to find a tennis court.  I was not in the mood for another let down.  We walked down the scary street, turned down the lane, and around the corner and there it was.  Back in the bushes was a tennis court.  It had a private sign on it.  We walked to the house next to it and they said they were just renting but the owner lived just to the right.  We rang is pull bell and he came and introduced himself as Peter and his wife as Monique.  We asked about the court and if we could pay to play and he said “NO, just come and enjoy it anytime you like!”  Good grief.  If you walk through the path it isn’t even a mile and it is free for the taking.  It has taken us almost 3 months to find something in our own back yard.  Good Grief!  However, my  day and my life just got better.

6.  It happened, it truly happened.
Up and at it and a basically good day.  I did have one cute experience.  The foursome that had taken the wrong road was in the cafeteria eating and Brother Cooper was having a terrible time getting the salt out of the salt pot.  I grabbed it and ran around the table, exchanged with another table’s salt pot, ran back to him and said, “Here you go.  Now It’s ready.  It just wanted to go the long way around.”  He looked up at me and said, “Who wrote your script?  I like this one.” 
 We finished our shift and headed home for a bit of a rest.  We got dressed and headed to the court.  Wowsie – are we ever out of shape.  Colleen came with us as she was under our window yelling for us.  We had so much fun.  Peter came out and brought a friend and they all said we would play sometimes.  Colleen and I walked home through the pastures and the stinging nettle.  It is a beautiful walk and away from the cars.  SO MUCH FUN!

Don't get too close to the net for the stinging nettle,
but the blackberries are great, poking right in the court!

7.   Happy Birthday Brooklyn!  Thanks Facetime!
 Happy Birthday Brooklyn!  We got up and away early!  You always cross your fingers for whatever might happen on a Saturday.  It was a good day; busy but not overwhelming.  I did have a surprising first today.  I was the leader of an instruction session which was very full.  I glanced over the congregation and on the back row a face leaned out and waved.  That was a very familiar face!  During lunch she walked up to me and sure enough, it was Sara Stokes, one of my health education majors at BYUI.  She was here visiting friends in London and they came to the temple and did a session I was assigned to do.  What are the chances of that?  We had a new experience as Brad served as a groom guide and I was the guest guide.  That means that as the guest arrive for the sealing, I group them together, get them in white bootie socks and when it is time I take them to the sealing room.  This couple had a 2 year old boy and a 4 month old boy sealed to them as well.  I got to hold the little baby as he was sealed to his parents.  It reminded me of the day when I held little Livi as she was sealed to Katie and Ryan which means she is sealed to me as well.  It was a lovely experience.  They were late getting there so our shift that ends at 3:00 PM ended up finishing at 5:00.  We were so tired.  We collapsed again and woke up about 7:00.  We fixed a bacon, lettuce, egg and tomato sandwich and while we ate it we called Brooklyn on facetime.  It is the first time we have seen them and it was great fun.  She walked around in circles the whole time till I thought I was dizzy.  After our sandwich we headed to the movie, ‘Dreamer.’   When we got home I tried Brian on facetime and Katie answered.  Oh, they look so much older in just this little time.  We talked to them on their way to Lava Hot Springs.  It was so much fun.  Then it was night and even with a nap we made it to sleep.  I was rather grateful to put that week to sleep or as I have been instructed, put that one on the shelf and forget it!  Good Advice!
These pictures are back to Rudyard Kipling's home.

Loved this big old tree but can't get it upright.

In the orchard they train the fruit trees to grow along wired and
then you can pick the fruit really easily.
I thought Elaine would enjoy this.

So again, I end.  We walked in a 629 year old home and there were moments this week I felt 629 years old.  We had some wonderful new experiences and saw beautiful new things and I held a little baby as he was sealed to his parents.  Ah, how lovely.  Now, shall we try another week?

Oh be kind, what need I say more?
Eat 5 fruits and veggies every day,
Our love and prayers,
The Parkinson’s

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