Monday, July 14, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 9 July 6th to July 12th, 2014

Goodness, it is already time for me to jot down a line or two.  The week has truly flown by as we have been very busy, mostly happy, at times confused, and sleeping better.  Hum, I think that would be due to a tiny little melt down followed by a rather large melt down.   We are still here so I guess it wasn’t all that serious.

Chips                     French Fries
Crisps                    Chips – Potato Chips
Stitched Up        Play a joke on someone
Stitched Me Up-A joke was played  on you

1.  21 wild kids and sleeping dinner guest.
Sunday we had volunteered to teach sharing time for the primary.  I had lost the materials I was supposed to use but had come up with an idea on my own.  The point of sharing time was the gospel of Jesus Christ being restored so I showed the video of the first vision and then we talked of all the presents we got because of the restoration: the Priesthood, the Book of Mormon, the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a living prophet, temples and families being sealed together forever.  They all got a paper with a present with the parts labeled and then colored it.  The older students watched the video and then read the start of the Book of Mormon talking about being written to the Lamanites (American Indian) and all people, and then we showed pictures of the Navajo’s that we worked with in Many Farms.  They were to write them a letter.  Only one girl got it done and they were supposed to finish next week.  I wonder if it will happen.
We invited Sister Freeman over for dinner and the little dear fell asleep and we had to call and wake her up and then she still had to get ready and over.  The meal was a bit cold but really good.  We had Loch trout.  Fun meal.  We love Sister Freeman.  Then Brad showed her his book and read her ‘Road Closed.’
We had choir practice and then a fireside which was not our favorite fireside but nice none the less.
The country side driving to Brighton.
We didn't take any pix this week so I am using old ones for color. 
2.  Its right here, I saw it on the map.
Mulholland’s wanted to go over to East Grinstead to look for a rent a car for their September trip.  We were happy to take them over since I needed to get my shoes fixed.  However, we could not find the rent a car place.  After asking 10 different places we finally found it and got him all set up.  We left my shoes at the shop, bought some groceries and went to a tennis club.  We couldn’t get in but I wrote down the info and came home and looked it up.  It was about £250 a year –not that one.  We had a fun morning and came home to exercise.  I was goofing around with the ipad and out of nowhere I slid something and Neil’s face popped up.  Ty and Gus were running and screaming.  I ran down and got Brad and we had fun seeing the kids.  Gus kept hugging the computer.
After supper Mulholland’s had us and Ibbotson’s over to watch ‘Parental Guidance.’  That brought a laugh or two.  We had a lot of fun and headed home to get ready for another week.
Flowers in Brighton
3.  150-163-2000
Early shift this week with new responsibilities.  I keep raising my hand and telling them my brain is full but they don’t seem to buy it.  Tuesday’s are always calm days but for some reason this Tuesday was not calm at all.  We had a lot of French people again which is so fun.  One family had brought 2000 names to baptize and do the temple work for them.  We are not in baptistery this week so I don’t know how that went.
I was just as busy as can be all day and finally it was over.  As we walked out of the temple there was quite the rainstorm coming down.  We made it home and the lightning and thunder just started to crack and roar.   I do not know why that surprised me so but it was fun to watch and listen for a while.
We  fixed supper and I baked a cake.  It was flatter than a pancake.  We had already invited Mulholland’s over before I saw it so we served it anyway.  It was okay but definitely not a cake texture. 
We got a call from Neil and he had just found out he had lost out on another job that he really felt he had a great chance for.  I wish I could say that I am going numb but not so.  There is pain from top to bottom and not really much I can do to help.

Some kind of interesting plant/tree.
Along the walk way.
4.  Mattress Cracks and Melt Downs
I didn’t sleep well which was a perfect combination of heart pain and mattress pain.  We received a couple of great ideas on how to fix it but the first thing I needed to do was get the bottom of the bed level so we could try any of the ideas.  As I started mentioning it to Brad he said we would just sleep in the twins and forget it and I over reacted in saying ‘fine, why would I want to sleep by you?’  Brad went immediately to the temple auditor and said we needed help.  Then I was walking by the temple president’s office and he greeting people with ‘isn’t it a lovely day’ type comments and as I passed I said ‘I made other plans.’  He looked at me funny and I explained that it is an old stress management saying when you are having a tough time and it kind of shocks people and you can get a laugh out of it.  Cheeky!  President Johnson then started saying ‘What is stress?  What is stress?’  He is a very clever man and has some amazing come backs which at times could be interpreted as a bit rude.  I had a feeling I was going to get one of them and my tired out aching heart and body just exploded at him.  I still can’t believe I did it but he realized this was real and was sincerely trying to listen to me vent all my trauma of being so far away where I cannot help my family.  He was trying to tell me that I just needed to hang in there and things would work out.  I just said I was tired and I was weak and headed into the women’s changing room.  I got control and made it to my meetings and assignments.  He sent his wife to find me but I was so busy we couldn’t do anything but give a hug.  President Johnson had a wonderful heart to heart with Brad which rather confused him as he had not seen the melt down.  Joy!!!!  If you are going to lose it, lose it right at the top!  I am sure I am embarrassed about it but it just exploded out of me rather unexpected. 
After our shift we met with the flat workers and got us new mattresses.  She showed me how to roll up the inside of a duvet and stuff it in the crack.  We found one that filled the hole pretty good.  They were all being so nice.  It looks much better and should sleep better as well so life is improving.
LeeAnn Mulholland cut my hair and then I came home and made a tuna casserole.  It wasn’t as good as before but we had a nice supper.  I was going up and down the halls showing off my pix of my granddaughter Sarah’s self hair cut.  Boy, does she have a cute look on her face. 
We went to bed and slept much better.  It is not perfect but definitely doable.

These are the new mattresses with the filler.  It doesn't look
as good as it is.  I tried to show the 4" memory foam mattress that
is really very nice.  The crack doesn't seem to be a problem now.
Sarah with the amazing eyes and self hair cut do!

5.  New Outfits and New Pork Chops
Again, we were very busy in the temple today.  This group from France is so much fun.  There are twin daughters that came to the temple for the first time before they are leaving on their missions.  One is going to Portugal but I never found out about the other.  They are beautiful and so sweet.  It is so much fun working with them.  They are part of the 2000 baptism group but I haven’t heard how they are doing with that as it should take a month. 
One of the ladies at the temple this week is a Sister Peoples.  She is so precious; a pretty little Scottish lady with long gray hair that she does up in a beautiful netting.  She either has dementia or early Alzheimer's so her husband sends her in with a note on where she is to be each hour.  She gives me the note and then I help her get where she needs to be.  I absolutely love her.
We went with the shopping van and picked up my shoes and Brad got me a new white outfit that we found on sale in a local store.  I love it.  We bought all kinds of groceries today and headed home. 
We had some new kind of pork chop that we loved so it was a nice evening.
My new cotton summer temple outfit. 
Not so cute just laying there but I was too lazy to put it on and take a selfie.
6.  Lead Mare Crisis
Well today was much easier and at the same time much more demanding.  We were hit with a change in the way things are organized and you may say there was a whisper uproar of opposition.   Everyone was willing to give it a try but workers were nervous indeed.  It was a calm day right up till the last half hour when the other shift comes in to replace us.  The lead mare came rushing in because of some crisis which she did not explain but needed people I had working.  It was a long story but it ended up being a complete fiasco in the lead mare’s mind that Sister Callaghan and I paid the price for.   The lead mare wins again.
We went over to Mulholland’s and watched a movie and came home to collapse.  That is when I finally found out what had started the fiasco but how it became a crisis that cost me two hours of my life is beyond us.  There may be a time when I have a melt down with her as well.  Ridiculousness and I do not get along.

More flowers of Brighton. 

7.  Business and Hot Expanding Towels
Yes-sir-ee!  Saturday was a completely busy day.  I was going from 7:30 AM straight through to 3:00 PM.  It wasn’t kitchen duty so it wasn’t that exhausting.  It actually was just fun to be a part of it all.
We came home and rested for a while and then we headed out to a party at a Thai restaurant for the Christensen’s who are leaving.  We had sweet and sour chicken and pineapple rice.  It was very good and very reasonable.  Everyone around us was ordering duck but we stayed with chicken and shrimp.  It was a fun night with great company.  At the end they bring you fruit and four little white things that look like marshmallows.  They pour boiling water on them and the expand out to little gauze hand towels.  Cute! Funny how life goes on and finally something hits you square in the head.  We drove over with Brother and Sister Callaghan and it finally hit me that their names are Paul and Pauline.  How funny is that?
We decided to go to the end of the movie night but that had been canceled due to the dinner.  Brother and Sister Brown were over there and we started to talk.  It had been her worst day yet so she was pretty upset.  She takes over for me so it was kind of funny how things ended that I started.  By the way, her bad day had nothing to do with my start; it was different people in different times.
While we were talking the little lady from France walked out and told us there was a problem with the hob.  I went to see and said I would go tell security.  Brother Beers came in from security and on the way out I have no idea why but he started telling stories about ‘stitching me up’ or him ‘stitching up’ someone else.  We sat there and laughed for an hour.   We walked home and had to call Alan Morton to see why the Wyoming National Guard had been called into action as Brother Littlefield had explained to us at the dinner.  We called Alan and he was busy scanning high school pictures and had heard nothing of Yellowstone.  Crisis #2 goes up in flames for us this week but a road in Yellowstone did melt.


The toilet is the big winner.  I doubt you can see that there are fish
swimming away in the tank.  People love it!
That be it.  Two months today.  It was a fast and busy week with not a lot of unusual experiences but some interesting moments tossed in as well.  We would walk over to the temple in cool mist and almost rain to walking from the temple into glaring heat.  There was thunder and lightning and down pouring rain and crises and melt downs that probably sounded about the same.  (that rhymed)  We got new mattresses and experienced a new restaurant.  We got to listen to some venting moments and great laughs with new friends.  Ah, a good week indeed!
Stay True,
Read a good book,
Our love,
The Parkinson’s

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