Thursday, August 14, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 13 Aug 3rd to Aug 9th, 2014

Is there anyone else out there that loves to hit their head against a brick wall over and over and over again when there is no possible way of breaking it down?  Good intentions may not be accepted as such and can really backfire in one's face.     I heard the expression of putting it on a shelf but the shelf kept breaking.  I was told to dodge my head and say ‘missed me’ but it hit me square in the head.    All I can say is that I have a bad headache and I give up.   Thank heavens for Brad.
Clear off               Leave – kind of a cheeky way of telling people to leave or you are done with them
Up a pole             wrong, like the directions that you were given were all wrong

1.  Try, Try Again
Just a normal Sunday with church in the morning and a pot luck ‘hi’ that night.  I made sweet and sour chicken and it was a huge hit.  I needed more veggies to balance my pineapple but people didn’t seem to mind.  We had a ‘hi’ for the Vowel’s, the Blake’s,  Sister Bustamonte, and Sister Clark.  They all did a very nice job. 
I had tried a pie crust here before and it was a huge disaster.  I decided to try again and it looked pretty good.  Brad made brownies which I didn’t understand but Mulholland’s came to practice and just as we were ready to dish up brownies our son Brian’s family called on facetime so they left and said they would be back.  Brad didn’t believe them but I knew how much Brian M. loved brownies and sure enough they showed up and brought Sister Freeman and they all enjoyed the brownies and the pie crust tart.  I was rather concerned I had lost the touch but there is no Crisco here and the flour is so different it is just going to take some practice.
This is along the sidewalk (pavement) going to the temple.
2.  Cob Webs and Pies
Monday started with tennis and then ended up as a huge cleaning day.  I cut Brad’s hair and then went to work on all the cob webs on all the entrances to the lodge.  I vacuumed and cleaned to my heart’s content.   I made what we call refrigerator soup where you clean every out of the frig and call it soup.  It was so good even on a hot day.
At 6:30 we had our picture taken with all the other ordinance workers in front of the temple and then we watched the new temple instruction video.    Afterwards we had Murdoch’s over for banana cream pie.  It was very good.  I am a confident pie make once again.

The pond just behind the temple.
3.   Hard Bricks
Well, today did happen.  I wish it wouldn’t have.  My stupidity hit an all time high (actually I thought I was being helpful which was my biggest stupidity ever) and I spent a very long time with my head in a pillow.  Over and done.  So what did I learn?  Brad is a very kind man.  Side note; maybe watching ‘Jacob’s Liar’ is not the best choice on a very sad night but we enjoyed it anyway.  (We were just told that Robin Williams committed suicide.  That is always sad news.  If you don’t know, he starred in ‘Jacob’s Liar’.)

4.  Time Off
I had a headache today and didn’t go to work.  It was a wonderful day.  I slept and ate and the pills kicked in around 1:00 PM and I felt so much better.  I played games and made the best supper ever and we just had a wonderful night.  I could make a habit of this.

5.  Happy Birthday Livi and Brittan
Today we were up and at it again.  We both needed to be there early and made it with time to spare.  It was just a good old calm day in the temple.   I was at the clothing desk where you get to meet everyone coming.  I really like that because they usually have time for a chat and it is fun to get to know people.
We called Livi for her birthday and it took about 3 tries.  The first try she wasn’t there so we were just talking to Katie and she told me they were going to do a double baptism and have her and Kaiya baptized together in Mountain Home, Idaho.  That put a choke hold somewhere in my throat and Brad took the call from there.  Katie kept apologizing which was cute but there is really no need.  We are thrilled for them and very happy the family will be able to get together to celebrate.  I am sure we will have facetime working but if there is anyone out there thinking this is all fun and games and that it doesn’t hurt, I could set you straight away.
I actually wondered about trying to call Brittan on his mission but figured I shouldn’t.   We are so proud of Brittan.  His ward is saying wonderful things about him as a missionary and that thrills his parents and grandparents.
This would have been much timelier on July 21st when I got it, but that was the castle day and we already had tons of pics so I saved it for today to honor our Brit.
So this week Madi is no longer investigating the church. We had a meeting with her Wednesday and we got to the member’s house a little late (3minutes), and when she came in she told us that she was done being an investigator and that she had assigned herself a baptismal date of Saturday and that even though she couldn't get her mom’s permission she could have her grandparents sign it because they had power of attorney. I'm not sure that means what everyone thinks it means but I wasn't about to go and correct them. So Saturday she got baptized! It was awesome! She invited her Grandparents and her sister. And now her sister wants to hear the lessons! So that was probably the highlight of my mission thus far, which is understandable.”
Livi with donuts we helped buy and in her PJ's Gma made ;).

We also helped buy her scriptures for her baptism birthday.
Brittan in his PJ's Gma made.
Brittan's companion, Madi and Elder Brittan H. Parkinson
on Madi's baptism day.

And to let you know how he is doing his service on his mission, I quote:
"So I forgot to tell you all  I had to brand cows when I was on exchanges. They told me we were going to the zoo so I brought skinny jeans and converses. But low and behold, I had to tackle calves and pin their necks with my leg, in poop. I do not operate well in poop, and having the cow squirm while he is being branded and being castrated. It scared me for life."
 6.  Wrong Again
Brad needed to be there early but I told him to go ahead.  I mosey over and then go to the laundry to find safety pins for another lady and all the sudden someone comes charging in saying that I was supposed to do the early sessions.  OPPS!  Should have read the rota.  It did happen, perhaps rather awkwardly so I think I was the one giving headaches today.  Anyhow,  the day started poorly and ended worse when some lady got all upset with me for talking too loud in clothing rental where I was paying for copying a rota so I wouldn’t goof again.  That ticked me off big time but oh well.  Home to the book.

7.  Where are the Patrons
It was another Saturday that just fell flat.  We didn’t have hardly anyone around so the day was not busy and very long.  They actually sent us home about an hour early and most of the day was trying to find something to do.  (By the way, the lady came and apologized for cussing me out and upsetting me.)
After our shift we took Brian to play tennis and we also walked along the lake.  It was great fun.  Then we went to Thai with Mulholland’s and had a very nice dinner.  Then home where we were going to read but I saw Brown’s watching TV so I had to cry on her shoulder for a while.  She understood.
The flowers beside the pond.  They are planted so we have
different colors coming all through the year.  Well Done!
And week 13 was all a 13 is expected to be.  We made it just fine and maybe even better.  I am so grateful for Brad’s kindness.  I hope I am a smarter woman but I sure wish I knew where middle gear was.  I’ll just keep shifting and maybe someday I will find it.

The Kinder the Better,
Floss and Brush,
Our love and prayers,
The Parkinson’s


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