Monday, August 25, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 14 August 10th to August 16th

Goodness, the week passed and I did not get my homework done.  It is rather a funny story as the Anderson’s (Kenton and Marilyn) basically set us up for this mission.  We came 4 days after they left.  They helped us with things we needed to bring.  They said that they had one computer and 1 ipad and they were always wishing they had 2 ipads.  So we went out and bought a second ipad and packed our trusty computer and off we came.  Our ipads sit night after night and we fight over the computer.  Brad is working big time on his trails book and I don’t like interfering but so days pass without me doing my thing.  Late again but here goes:

Braces                   American Suspenders or the elastics straps to help hold up your pants.
Suspenders          Garters in America or what women use to hold up their stockings.
Garters                 What men use to hold up their stockings on their calves.
Braces                   Can also be on teeth, but we don’t see many.  Lots of teeth problems.

1.  A Star is Born
Up and off to church without any trouble at all.  Nice meetings and then home for a small Sunday meal.  At 5 PM we were in place for our final run through of our choir number.  At 6 PM we had the visitor’s center meeting room completely packed and our little musical fireside began.  Sister Smith had a video of how the church started and grew in New Zealand and then sang a song in Mauri.  Brother Mulholland told of his grandmother coming into the church and then the congregation sang the hymn ‘Testimony’.  They then announced an interlude.  Sister Mulholland and Sister Smith jumped up and started singing ‘Give said the Little Stream’.  On the 2nd line 4 other ladies on the back row stood and joined them (I was one of them) then we sat down and 4 other ladies stood up in a different area and sang ‘Popcorn Popping’ and on the 3rd line my 4 stood and joined in and after we were finished with ‘Popcorn’ we sang the chorus from ‘Give Said the Little Stream’ again.  We all sat down and 4 men in another area stood and sang ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ with actions (so funny) and when they were finished everyone that had already sung stood for another ‘Little Stream’ chorus.  We all sit and 6 women stood up and sang ‘If you chance to meet a frown’.  They all had paper plates with faces and they never once got them the right way.  It was hysterical (Gus).  Then everyone stands for another chorus of ‘Little Stream’.  Then the 4 tallest men (Brad, Brian Mulholland, Bryant Davis, and Neil Strong) from the very back row stood and sang ‘In the Leafy Tree Tops’ with the actions.  They were most excellent.  Again we all stand for another chorus of ‘Little Stream’.  Then we all sing all 3 verses of ‘Horsey, Horsey on Your Way’ and the second time through we break it into a round.  After all that we all sang one more verse of ‘Little Stream’ and sat down.  They couldn’t clap because we were in a church meeting but the place was almost bursting with silent applause.  It really was great fun.
The young Elders and Sister then sang ‘Father Tell Me a Story’ which was very good.  Brother Ibbotson then told his story of joining the church which was just brilliant.  Elder and Sister Brown then sang ‘Children of our Heavenly Father’.  Sister Mulholland then talked of how the word ‘Come, Come’ seems to always be a call to the saints and how important the hymn ‘Come, Come, Ye Saints’ was to the early pioneers.  Then our beloved Elder Parkinson played ‘Come, Come, Ye Saints’ on his harmonica and the 2nd time through LeeAnn sang a verse she had written for our day.  The audience was mesmerized.  He has actually received fan mail.  Truly it was wonderful and I was so proud of him.  Then LeeAnn told a story of a wagon train singing a song to the Indians which saved the train and changed the hearts of the Indians.  Lovely night – just brilliant.

I hope this works. It would only let me put a tiny bit in
and I didn't have time to cut it at the end of a phrase,
so just try to enjoy!

2.  Long Live the Queen
Today was a bit special as we were up and packed into a tour bus early on our way to London.  This was our first trip inside the town.  It could have been a bit more pleasant if the person both to the left and behind us wouldn’t have gotten car sick and lost their breakfast.
We arrived for the big changing of the guard.  I was very excited until I realized that about 5,000 other people had also arrived and there wasn’t even squish room.  We finally gave up and went over to the part to eat our lunch.  Brown’s have an amazing camera so they got us some good pictures of the day which they were very sweet to share.
Side note – as we were getting off the bus the police came and told us to get out of there.  The driver did and left Sister Marsh and Littlefield’s.  We later found Littlefield’s but didn’t find Sister Marsh until the tour of the palace started.  We were very relieved but everyone kept saying, “She’s worked in 7 temples, served 7 missions on 4 different continents.  The woman can take care of herself.”  They were right.
We went through an amazing tour of the palace.  They have a great headset with a wonderful narration of each room.  It was well done – just brilliant.  Since Brad didn’t get much into the pictures we were the first ones out.  We then went to the very expensive gift shops and walked back to the bus.  All too soon we were off again to our little home at the temple.  It was a splendid day.
We apologize we cannot take pictures inside the palace.  I even tried to get pictures off the web but they are not to be found.  It was amazing.  The ceilings were my favorites.  Amazing display of talent and wealth.  Most Brits love the Queen because the royal family brings in money through all the tours.
Our pictures of our trip to Buckingham Palace.
Just a few others showed up as well.

This is as close as we made it to the changing of the guard.
This means the Queen is in the Palace today!
We surely love crowds.

3.  Same ol’
We got up and headed out for some tennis and had a very ordinary day.  We did have a very fun event as I was looking at the emails and Neal, Annette, Sarah and Sam Rick’s skyped us.  That was so great.  We talked for a long time but we didn’t get a fresh baked roll.  Boy, can she bake the rolls.
These pictures are Barbara Brown's!

Here comes the band but Grandma was all about the horses.
They didn't move a muscle unless they were told and the riders
were so good, you seldom saw them being told.

4.  Shops and Hops
We decided to go in shopping a day early and get that task out of the way.  We invited Sister Freeman along and she was so excited to go when she didn’t need to rush.  We had a great time at Sainsbury’s and headed home to an otherwise normal day.  Brad fixed fish and chips for lunch and that is one of my favorites – our way – frozen breaded fish without the skins.
Here come the soldiers in their busby hats. 
The one on the far left, second row is completely blind.
He is also the only one out of step but that could be due
to his blindness. Those hats sure look comfortable.  And cool!

He was quite the leader.  Did a full run to catch his command
and get in front.  Loved my drill team days!
This was actually a favorite picture because
both riders are women.  Both the horses and riders
were excellent.  Want to do it Katie? (granddaughter)

5.  Ordinary
6.  Ordinary
Day 5 & 6 were completely ordinary days.  We didn’t play tennis but Friday I did take my umbrella and walk in the rain for a bit.  I also called my sister, Elaine, so that was fun.  She doesn’t recognize my number so she usually won’t answer, but she did pick up that day so we had a nice chat.  Other than that we had ordinary days at the temple with everything being just lovely.  By the time we are finishing our late shift we are walking home in the dark.  That surprised me a bit. 
Okay, I have to tell a story that happened quite a while ago that I thought was pretty funny but I didn't know whether to share.  Parents censor before you read further:
Katie (my daughter) emailed me and asked me to put her husband's name and her nephew's name on the London Temple Prayer Roll.  I did it at while at the temple so I wrote back a quick note and said, "I did it.  Love all, Marie".  Then deleted Marie and said, "Mom."  and pushed send.  Katie writes back and said, "too much information -- too much information".  I had no idea why she was mad at me.  I put the ipad down and walked around a while and then came back and opened it again and read the email.  Well, the  auto spell correction changed my email to:
"I did it!
Proofing emails is an excellent idea.
Back to our pictures.

Waiting in line for security check.  Steven Littlefiled in cap.

The backyard ground.

The back of the palace.

The back window -- all of them have a fan in them.

7.  Night Out
We had a medium day at the temple as far as the number of patrons that showed up.  We did finish up a bit early and decided that 6 of us were heading to Toby’s Carvery where you can get a couple of meats and all you want on veggies and potatoes for £6.39.  Brad didn’t get such a good piece of meat but mine was fine.  We went over alone and then Mulholland’s road home with us.  Basically fun night.  After we got home we went over to Curley’s who are going to help us plan our big adventure with Jerry and Ardith.  Yes, we are getting company on the 29th of August as Jerry and Ardith are coming to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  Sister Curley is the resident tour guide so she was helping us plan a few adventures for our 2 weeks off temple duty and our 2 weeks on with the family.  Splendid – just brilliant. Then we just came home and read – another Dick Francis book this time.

Sister Freeman and me.

Walking away from the palace.  They are reseeding beneath the plastic.
We finally got close to the festivities.  When I pulled this up I was actually excited until
I remember that it is a poster.  Someone should have mentioned I was blocking the Queen.
Sister Freeman, me and Sister Hales.

A pond in the back gardens.
Gone and done.  The palace was the highlight and there were no low lights so a much better time.  So cheerio and hope you all are having a marvelous summer without us.  Enjoy the tennis, golf, mountains, river floats and hikes and bikes -- just enjoy a good old Idaho, Montana, Utah, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, and California summer.

Do not fear,

Get your sleep,

Our love,

The Parkinson’s

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