Friday, October 24, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 22 October 5th to October 11th

Over and done!  We are now officially trained in all areas of the temple which basically means that we know enough to get ourselves in real trouble.  It is amazing how many behind the scenes events happen to make something look like it is running so smoothly.  It will be fun to go back to our neck of the woods and see how many temple workers are looking so peaceful since they have a staff of hundreds and we have a staff of around 30 to do even more since we are also running baptistery and helping in the laundry and the kitchen.  I am getting tired thinking about it; maybe I should go back to bed.  (Especially since it is 6:00 AM)
Cackhanded                Clumsy; dropping things, accident prone
Certified                      Being crazy
Fly Tipping                  Dropping your rubbish off at someone else's bin and rushing off
Monkey's Birthday    A day when the weather changes every so often, rain - sun - rain, etc..

1.  Early Evening Session – Late Evening Session
While the rest of our world is attending/listening to conference at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM we are listening at 5:00 to 7:00  PM and 9:00 to 11:00 PM.  That makes for a much different conference Sunday.  Brad had tried to listen to the Priesthood session from 1:00 AM to 3:00 AM but gave up so he got up and went to the replay at 10:00 AM.  I made artichoke chicken with baked salad potatoes and baked carrots.  Yummy!  We listened to the first session and then Neil called and we talked forever and then talked with Brian’s family and it was time for the 9:00PM. 
It was a wonderful conference – we loved so many talks.  My favorite New Testament story is the 4 friends taking their crippled friend to the Savior and not giving up when the room was full so I loved Brother Wong’s interpretation of that story.  And since we now know Brother Callister from the Rez we loved his talk on parenting and of course Elder Bednar’s talk on missionary work.

Our last pictures of the trip.  Here are Jerry and Ardith at the beach
at Lindisfarne Castle where you drive out to the castle when the tide is low.

I think they look pretty good for a 50th Wedding Anniversary!

2.  Fire
We did relax a bit Monday morn and tried to catch up on some of the sleep we missed.    Brad got up but I was sitting in bed with the ipad looking for emails (no luck) when I smelled smoke BAD.  I screamed but Brad wouldn’t respond.  I jumped and ran and opened the kitchen door to have Brad say, “Close it.  We had a fire.”  Our wonderful sack that we cook potatoes in while in the microwave gave up the ghost and started on fire. How that didn’t start the fire alarm we will never understand but boy did we have a stinky kitchen?  I washed  the microwave with vinegar which helped but we can sure still smell it.  We opened all the windows and aired the house the best we could. 
We finished our breakfast  and had a bit of exercise.  I cut Brad’s hair, we cleaned, washed and I did some sewing. 
That night our darling Home Teacher’s brought dinner to our house since their flat is too small.  She brought a cottage pie and apple crisp.  We ate till we could have burst.  We also learned that cottage pie is made with hamburger or what they call mince and shepherd’s pie is made with lamb.  Anyhow, it was so good and we had a wonderful evening.

Our burnt potato sack.  It served us well.  Thanks Emily Leatham!

The Blake's -- Yvonne and Mark with their cottage pie!
She was upset about having her picture taken with a fresh haircut and no make-up.
I told her Brad had a fresh hair cut and no make up either. 
3.  Late Shift
Morning came and we got up and headed for the gym.  Betty is really doing her best to whip me back into shape.  She loves those machines and that is good for me since I am an outside exerciser which is now becoming impossible.  There was one funny thing that I actually found out about later.  She had told me she wasn’t into running.  Well, all of the sudden she has that tread mill just a zooming and she is running for her life.  She stops and just stands there panting.  I suggested she do a bit of movement and not stop too suddenly.  Later that day she admitted that she got the machine set wrong and didn’t dare move her hands from the machine to stop it and had to keep running.  She now knows to ask me for help or step off to the side.
We headed for the temple and thought we would be totally on our own this week but we did have our trainer’s hovering over us a bit.  We are making it but we really need to see if we can function on our own.  Anyhow, pretty good day.
4.  Betty Crocker
Betty Crocker was really excited to exercise today.  She had received her new name tag for the temple so she took her old one and wrote Betty on it, made some ‘little cakes’ (cupcakes) and rang the bell for Brad.  She presented him with his Betty Crocker cupcakes in her Betty Crocker badge.  It was very cute indeed.  (Remember, her real name is Janet.)
Our temple shift went pretty good.  We are getting a few more people at the temple.  There is a Young Single Adult group here but they do most of their temple work in the morning or in baptistery.
We did get one spell of interesting experiences.  I had gone down to the laundry to see if I could find anymore of the little shawls we keep in the instruction rooms.  While I was there two of the workers were hanging all the dresses onto a mobile rack.  All the dresses had just been washed and ironed.  The rack evidently became top heavy and started to fall away from them.  One sister tried to grab it and she went down with the rack which scrapped the front of her chins as well.  There were dresses everywhere.  I helped get everything back in order while they called for first aid for the injured sister.
As I was walking back upstairs our biggest session that had just started was all exiting.  Sister Davis looked at me and said it wasn’t her fault.  I guess that all of the sudden the screen started going up and down about 10 inches each time.  It also made a rather disturbing noise as it did.  They couldn’t make it stop so they switched rooms.  The day seems to be going well. 

Betty (Janet) Crocker with her 'little' cakes for Brad. 
5.  Shopping the old way.
Today we decided to go with the van shopping.  They have 3 stops and he also knows how to find the parking lot.  We looked around a few shops and bought me a turtle neck.  Our Sainsbury’s is remodeling and it is almost as hard finding things there as going to the new Tesco. 
We made some frozen pizza’s for lunch and headed to the temple.  Brad did have one fun experience as he has a group if anyone was a certified temple worker.  No one raised their hand.  He later found out that certified means crazy in England.  That brought the house down for the workers on our shift.
6.  Longest Day.
There are now 3 of us using the gym at the same time so I said we could do 15 minutes each on the bike, the treadmill, and the rowing machine/curl-up bar/weights.  That adds up to 45 minutes but since it was a nice day we also went outside to walk to cool down and it ended up an hour and a half.  Oh well.
We fixed fish and chips for lunch and headed to the late shift for Friday afternoon.  The temple stays open and extra hour on Friday and it did seem like a very long day indeed.  We made it in pretty good shape but we were sure tired when we got home.
Except Brad was not in a good mood and could not get too sleep. He got upset listening to a group of men talking about picky-picky complaints about how people do things.  He left the conversation but not before it really upset him.  We read our book for what seemed like forever and finally I crashed.  Brad was up most of the night.  Joy!
We also got some sad news today.  Brian Mulholland’s mother passed away.  She has been in extreme dementia for about 3 years so they feel it is a blessing but they wonder whether to go to Canada for the funeral or not.  To make things more complicated they have company coming from Canada to spend the weekend.  I don’t think they are going but wonder if they should.  It would be hard to go and come right back.
We did get an email from Sister Freeman and she is not doing as well as they hoped so she won’t be back for a while.  I wish I were closer to her.

7.  Finished!
The 2 shifts overlap on Saturday’s so we needed to be there much earlier.  There are normally 10 sessions for weekdays which run from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.  On Saturday we have 11 sessions running from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  That takes a lot of organization in overlapping and knowing who does what at the right time as all 4 rooms are running at the same time.  We had our little chart made telling us where to be at every minute so we organized ourselves and walked into the hall to take our places.  Here comes our trainer just a (temple) yelling where we were supposed to be.  We were going there.  Brad was not happy about that but we finally got him calmed down.  It is a very long and very busy day but unfortunately the temple wasn’t that busy so we were not taxed in our work.    We felt pretty good about our jobs but realized we made plenty of little errors that we need to fix next time. 
Our trainer’s wanted to have a graduation dinner so we went to the Thai House.  Callaghan’s, Littlefield’s, Strong’s and Sister Pilgrim came along with our trainer’s so we had a pretty good party. 
We rushed home for movie night which was ‘The Invention of Hugo Cabret’ which we very much enjoyed.  Then finally home to a cup of hot Caro and to bed for the week.

And there you have it!  Another week is finished are we are still doing very well.  We made it through a dreaded experience and all is fine.   The weather is one rain storm after another but we have been assured we haven’t seen anything yet.  One day it rained so hard I thought we were in a rain blizzard. The flowers have all been changed around the temple yards so I guess England is ready for a new season.  I think/hope we are ready? 

Prayer is always in season,
Give a compliment daily,
Our love,
The Parkinson’s

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