Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 20 September 21st to September 27th

The most descriptive thing I can say is that the week passed.  We were in baptistery this week and it was a calm beginning with a busy end.  No records were set but we still had a pretty nice time.
One clarification I should make is that the Parkinson's believe big time in making an rubbing alcohol pack by pouring rubbing alcohol on a hanky and then tying that around your neck.  Jerry had been trying to buy alcohol since he started to cough.  Brother Brown had mentioned that he had alcohol so when Jerry called that morning he wanted Bob's rubbing alcohol and he wanted Brad and Bob to come give them a Priesthood blessing, which we use consecrated oil to do.
I did get quite a few pictures from Ardith this week so I am using them.  I hope you enjoy seeing some more of England and Scotland. 
lost the plot                   can’t figure it out, very confused or forgot what was happening
sort it out                       figure out what the plot is; figure out what to do, what is happening
Sweetie                           piece of candy or something nice and sweet
quite nice                       taste good, it could be for other compliments but they use it on food mostly

1.  Lächeln Sisters
Today I really wanted to get up and away early but the body didn’t cooperate like I expected.  I just barely made it outside to find my Swiss/German sisters to get a picture of them before they head back to Switzerland.  We made it to church and I never thought I could stay awake but they were nice meetings and lessons. 
We made it home to some wonderful pork chops.  I love pork chops.  Then we had a wonderful nap that I thought I would never wake up from.  We finally drug ourselves outside and walked around the perimeter of the grounds.  The McClellan’s were speaking at the fireside and we went over to it and had a very nice time.  Then home to try to call the family but we didn’t do so well tonight.
My Beautiful Swiss/German Friends.
I certainly loved the candy bar they gave me!
2.  Not so good.
Today was a wonderful trip to Henry VIII’s castle and an original tennis court.  Brad was up most of the night and finally decided we better not go.  We cleaned and cleaned and washed and ironed and our little place looks very nice. We tried to take a nap but that we fell asleep too late.   We walked around the perimeter and just had a relaxing time of it.
We cut up our brownies and headed to the Bye for Adams and Murdoch's.  Let me see, 5 – 7 minutes is what they said but it was 5-7 minutes for the first sentence.  Sorry but that went on and on till I thought I would die in the seat.  Brad is still not feeling that well and didn’t eat one treat or sweetie.

                   Jerry and Brad on the cliffs of Dover.

I like this picture.
Walking up the path to the Dover Castle.               

In front of Dover Castle.  Hitler loved it so he wouldn't bomb it.

Marie and Ardith sitting in the Queen's chair. 

3.  From Switzerland to Greece
We got up rather late as we did not sleep well – so it didn’t feel like sleeping in.  We did go for a nice walk and I did a bit of running as well.  A nice little lunch and it was time to get ready for the temple.
There were no baptism’s scheduled so we just found things to do.  I was asked to go to the Celestial Room.  A man sat there for a very long time.  On the way out, he asked if he could see a Sealing Room.  I told him not only could he see on but that they were doing sealings at the present time and he could go and join them.  He just beamed with excitement.  I walked him down to the sealing area and he was almost shaking with joy.  I later found out that he was from Greece and was thrilled to be at the temple. That was very fun.  Brad and I got to finish the day doing sealings as well and that was very nice.

Marie and Brad at the Tower of London.

I never mentioned that each poppy represents a British death in World War II.
They are a magnificent display and will be auctioned off later.

The 4 of us ready for a cruise on the River Thames (tims)
4.  Ouch!
I spent most of the night with a headache so getting up was not that much fun.  We tried to go out and see if I could walk it away but it was a bit persistent. 
We started our day at the laundry finishing up the morning sessions.  They are all pretty impressed as Brad will help me and most men say they are too busy.  Since we didn’t have any baptisms scheduled we did a session for ourselves that night which was very nice.  The temple was so slow no one came for the last session of the day so we all got to go home early.

I loved this roof.  The foliage really decorates it well.

5.  Shopping and more
We headed out for our weekly shopping spree to our East Grinstead Sainsbury’s.  We didn’t need much so it didn’t take all that long.  We got home, fixed lunch, got ready and headed to the temple.  The morning had been busy but they got the laundry all done.  Our first group was coming at 6:30 so we got everything ready for them.  The first 2 came at 6:00 so we went ahead and did their baptisms.  It was the People’s – whom we love dearly.  She is the sweet little lady with early Alzheimer’s.  Then another 4 came.  Then another 12 came.  Finally another 2 came.  It was quite an exciting night with a lot of organization needed.  We did quite well.  Oh, the missionary couple that came with them were the Lovell’s.  He does have ancestors back to Ririe and had visited there so we knew some of the same people.  (My step-father is related to the Lovell’s)  Then we find out his wife is a Benson (Lynn’s daughter) from Rexburg.  She looks so much like the family I called her Sister Benson.  Anyhow, we had a very busy but a very good night.  I got my 3 loads of wash in the washing machines and we headed home.
The pictures of Edinburgh Castle.  It is HUGE or bigger. 

Ardith knew I would love this one.  All those blue mounds
are for the dogs that served and were killed. 
6.  Double the fun
Today was a lot of fun.  We got up and cleaned a bit and baked some brownies.  Then Reese and Launa Murdoch came to hear some of Brad’s stories.  We had told them that he had an amazing church talk so they wanted to hear it.  We, of course had to throw in some humorous ones as well.  Brad read them the ‘goat’ story, then ‘road closed’ and ended with our amazing story of a wreck we witnessed on the way home from Eric and Angella’s where some Native American’s risked their lives over and over again try to save a girl from a burning car.  He likens the girl’s attitude to how so many of us snub our Savior’s gift of the Atonement.  They loved all of them.  After the goat story Reese told a story of his mother driving to church with a dog tied to the bumper which of course didn’t make it, which had us laughing in hysterics.  (That sounded awful but it was a funny story – step, step, leap.)  Then we had brownies and root beer floats.  The brownies got over baked and were so hard.  Reese was saying how much he liked them.  I was sitting at the back of the table where I couldn’t get out.  I asked Brad to get him another brownie and he was saying something else which I had interrupted and he just yelled NO.  Reese looked to funny and Launa said he must have had his quota.  Then Brad figured out what I had said and that I wasn’t asking him if he wanted another brownie.  Anyhow we sure did laugh.
We tried to take a nap but Brad got thinking about Reese’s story and we laughed so hard.  Then we got ready for the temple and were on our way.  We had a small baptistery at 3 that was very late but very nice.  Our next one was for 6:30 and we waited and waited.  At 7:30 they walked in and had been over at the visitor’s center singing hymns for an hour.  We had to reorganize everything for them but it all worked in the end.  Finally, washing machines are full and we are home and in bed.

The highest fairy mountain.

Brad and Marie were the first one's to the top.

Ardith got a great picture of a fairy circle.

7.  Bring ‘em on
We are at the temple at 10:00 on Saturday late shift.  This was a very good day as it was mostly busy but doable.  Our first baptism was at 12:30 and I must admit it was a bit hectic with 3 different parties all having their own needs but it finally worked out very well.  A young man and his wife were going to be baptized and I suggested he baptize his wife.  He nearly froze with fright but he got in the font and baptized her which tickled her and his mother to pieces.  Very nice.
The next group came and brought more names than we could possibly do.  It all went very smoothly but I sure felt bad we didn’t have more time.  Sister Pilgrim was down helping with the laundry so we only had to wait 16 minutes to put the clothes in the dryer and we were off.  Ouch do my feet hurt.
We all went out to Toby’s Carvery to celebrate both Murdoch’s leaving and Barry and Adreene Ibbotson’s 50th wedding anniversary.  There were over 40 of us so it was spread out and desserts took forever, but it was very nice.  We sat across from a new couple – the Crocker’s.  Of course Brad immediately called her Betty.  They really appear rather like a normal British couple, a bit proper and all.  They had us roaring with all the pranks they play on people at the temple.  We are going to like this couple.  It was great fun.  Oh, and I ate my first meal British style.  They showed me how to have the fork upside down in your left hand, push the food on it with your knife and go for it.  I hardly spilled a thing. 
We had to drive home in the dark which scares us a bunch but we made it safe and sound.  All is well, except maybe my feet.  We ended the week on a very busy note.

Out little Hong Kong friend would take our picture everywhere.

We added her to the picture and she posed again.

This is inside the Lindisfarne Castle that you can only get to in low tide.

Twenty.  That is a nice round number now isn’t it.  We made it and all is well.  Thanks to those of you that have commented on our 100’s of pictures on the blog of our trip.  I noticed that doing 3 at once, no one reads the first one.  There were not many pictures on that one but we did have one amazing experience.  So, till we meet again, cheerio.!
Be true,
Cut your toenails straight,
Our love and prayers,
The Parkinson’s


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