Monday, November 3, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 24 October 19th to October 25th

My oh my!  What a wonderful day! – week!  Things are moving right along here in jolly ol’ England.  We really do feel the time is flying by as of late.  We are completely losing track of time and have no idea what day it is and sometimes what month.  I best get hold of my hat because I have a feeling we are about to enter a real spin.
Okay, so the inspiration hit late, but I have decided to add pictures of my 'other daughter' Kiana Barnes Marble and her wedding.  When she sent me the pictures I sat and cried and cried I was so sad that I missed her wedding. 

Introducing the Bride as she walks from the temple. 
Mother (Anne) is holding the door.

Kiana and Isaac Marble!  (And mom)
1.  Dinner Guest
I was up at the crack of dawn and working in the kitchen.  Before we left for church I had a banana cream pie made, artichoke chicken wrapped for the oven, and roll dough made setting in the frig.  Church was great.  Then we rushed home to put the chicken in the over, rolled out the rolls, got the potatoes-carrots and beans in cream sauce going, and make a tossed salad.
I actually had a wonderful dinner ready for our company 5 minutes before they got here.  We had invited Mulholland’s and we had a very nice dinner. 
There was a fireside that evening at the visitor’s center and then we went to the dungeon to get on the internet to call the family.  

Just beautiful!

She glued every stone on her shoes.

Lovely, even from the back.
2.  Costco Run
We got up and headed to Costco to replenish our meat supply.  That drive is going rather well for us.  We always take Mulholland’s along and Brown’s were there as well.  Nice time.  It seemed crazy but after we made it home we had to run to town to buy milk because the Costco milk is too large for our frig. 

Oh, they look so happy!

I wish I knew about this picture!

The Barnes brothers join in.

A temple wedding!! 
3.  Too Few
This week we are back to the afternoon shift.  We got up and exercised walking very hard around the grounds and doing some weights at the end.  Our temple shift was rather ordinary for us but perhaps not for our shift coordinators.  We usually have about 10 to 12 names on our rota’s along with the 5 coordinators.  This week we have 4.  The men also had 4 but 3 of them didn’t show up.  It was a miracle we got anything done.

The pictures at their home in Lyman.

My favorite picture.
4. Funny Sister Marsh
Brad and I started with another very fast walk and a few weights.  As far as the temple goes it was as normal as normal can be when you don’t have enough workers and everyone is doubling up duties and bustling here and there. 
There was one really funny experience with our dear Sister Marsh.  If you do not remember, Sister Marsh is 78 years old, is serving her 7th mission, and served her first mission with our son Neil.  Well, Sister Marsh cannot do the stairs and must take the lift to the different floors.  She was leading an instruction session which starts in the chapel on the main floor and then goes upstairs to the instruction room.  At a certain time, she is supposed to stand up and invite the people to use the lift if they would like to do so.  A couple had asked if they could use the lift and were told they could before Sister Marsh made the announcement so they got up on their own and left.  Everyone followed them and Sister Marsh was left alone wondering what had happened.  The room was completely empty.  SO, Sister Marsh stands up, goes to the microphone and says, “Brothers and Sisters, we would like to welcome you to the London Temple.  If any of you would prefer to use the lift you may be excused to do so now.”  We were all looking all over for whoever she was talking to and there was NO ONE.  Then she calmly walked by to the lift and went upstairs to find her session.  SO FUNNY!

With her niece!

Add a few brothers.

And the whole family!
5.  Shopping with Sister Bull
We tried another new grocery store today to keep life interesting – the Crawley Sainsbury’s.  Most of the items on our list we found pretty easily so all is well.  We found Canada Ginger Ale so I stocked up on that – hurray!
A 2 and 8 sister (workers that come 2 weeks and go home 8 so they can keep their insurance on their allotment house) – Sister Bull came with us.  We got in the car and she started reciting poems and sayings and had us laughing all the way home.  She said she told her son she was going on a diet and her son said, “Mom, your sell by date is passed, your use by date has expired, your expiration date has come and gone, your way past the stop and look stage so nobody is going to give a care so eat whatever you like.”  She got us laughing and that just lead to poem after poem.  Her face doesn’t look all that happy but she is a really crack up.
Oh, and Thursday we got our internet back.  That mystery has certainly got me bugged. 
I haven’t mentioned that we had a small French group this week which is always so fun but there weren’t as many this time.  Still, Thursday ended with lots of double kisses as my French sister left again.

I would bet Anne made everything!
6.  Ordinary and long!
Friday on the late shift we go and extra hour which really seems to make the day long.  It was an ordinary day without any real excitement so we made it just fine.  It seemed lonely without the French. 
(A big Virgin Air just fly over – they are my favorite!)

The perfect setting!
7.  So So Saturday
We need to be at the temple at 10 on late shift Saturday’s which is not early but for some reason it always seems like a rush.  We had a pretty nice day at the temple but we surely would have liked a few more patrons.  I helped balance the till and we were 90 pence over which I assume is better than 90 pence under.  After our shift we went out to eat with Mulholland’s, Callaghan’s, Roger’s, and Sister Ibbotson and Sister Pilgrim.  We went to the Peacock or Fayre and Square and had a very nice dinner.
It was movie night and they were showing ‘The Shop Around the Corner’ with Jimmy Stewart.  We loved it!  After the movie we say BYU Women’s Volleyball come on the TV.  We thought we only got BYU TV for conference.  We rushed home and watched the match in our lounge.  It was a great match which we win 3-1.

I hoped they saved me some!
So does is mean we are totally adjusted when everything seems ordinary and nothing to share.  I don’t know if I want that feeling to keep up or not but I must admit it was a little more relaxing than normal.  Anyway, cheers!
Be Grateful, what need I say more?
Brush and floss daily,
Our love,
The Parkinson’s

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