Monday, November 3, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 25 October 26th to November 1st

Seriously, November!  Wow, I told you I needed to hold onto my hat.  Time is really passing quickly and I bet from now to Christmas will be the fastest or slowest days of our lives.

1.  Rotating Dinner Guests
We had thought we would have the Blake’s over to dinner and for some reason Brad said he would cook them hamburgers.  I guess he wanted something American.  Then the Roger’s moved in next door and we didn’t even realize it and didn’t help.  (We are their Home Teacher’s too – shame on us.)  So, we decided to have them both over.  Well, of course that didn’t go smoothly.  Roger’s had to leave by 1:40 and Blake’s couldn’t come till 1:45.  So, we changed the menu and had refrigerator soup and croissants.  I thought I had made enough for an army but we slicked up every bit and really could have had more.  We had brownies and ice cream with our new Costco Carmel sauce.  WOW was it good.  (Brad’s brownies of course)
The Roger’s had run every so quickly but the Blake’s stayed and we talked forever.  We love them.  They are the best ever.  Brother Blake – Mark, use to be a funeral director so we talked about all the differences in funerals here and in America and on the Rez.  We had a great time.  Brad even read ‘Road Closed’ for them.
Oh, and they ended daylight savings time today!
Do you like the jet coming over? 
In both of these fall pictures I have the top of the tree decorated with the Angel Moroni.

2.  London Eye
We have wanted to make it back to London and ride the London Eye.  We talked to both Brown’s and Mulholland’s about it and both seemed interested.  I also want my steak dinner.  Well, the Brown’s actually had one of their daughter’s come to London with her husband and their 3 oldest children and the one that is to be born in 2 months.  They had all planned on going to London.  Mulholland’s were game to go with us if it was a clear day and it was beautiful so we headed out for London on the 9:14 train.  We bought the tube tickets so we could get around London quickly!  *&#$%* The first thing they wanted to see was the poppies at the Tower of London.  (I have shown some pictures of them.)  They have a poppy for every soldier killed in World War II.  It is most impressive.  We headed to the tower and realized that we were not alone in our thinking.  I would say there were about 500,000 people there with us but Brad says I tend to exaggerate.   Only the picture can tell you for sure.  We walked around 3 walls of the outside.  We told them we would love to go in again as we had not seen it all when we were there but Brian said he would rather get to the Eye and see London in the day.  We walked over Tower Bridge and Brian got the great idea to walk back to the Eye.  Some lady (probably on drugs) told him it would be a lovely walk and would only take about 20 to 25 minutes.  We walked for 20 minutes and found a toilet.  Then LeeAnn had to stand in queue for the toilet for over 30 minutes.  That took us off the route and I started going the wrong way but we got sort of turned around.  We walked through a deli row and Brian, Brad and I got a grilled Brats.  Another 20 minutes of walking and I found a tube station but Brian said it would be easier to just walk than get on and off the tube.  We walked another 20 -30 minutes and finally saw the Eye.  The queue was forever.  Brad went in to buy the tickets and I stood outside in the queue to get on.  Well, his queue was longer than my queue.  I made it to the place they take the tickets and the man threw me out because we cannot stand in the queue till we have our tickets in our hand.  JOY!  It was another 30 minutes before Brad got the tickets.  We couldn’t even stand in line till 3:30 PM. 
Since we had a while we walked over to Westminster Abbey again and sat in the chapel next to it.  I love Westminster Abbey.  We walked back to the Eye and stopped at McDonald’s to get something for LeeAnn and since Brad and I had shared we shared a burger there as well.  We got into queue and it moved steadily and we made it on the Eye before the sun went down.  However, somewhere on the way down the sun did set behind the London sky.  I loved it!
So, if you do not know what the Eye is, you best look at the pictures or on the internet.  The Eye is one of the world’s largest Ferris wheels.  It never stops unless there is a wheel chair that needs a bit more time but goes up and down so slowly and so smoothly that you never know it is even moving.  All of the sudden you are looking Big Ben in the face and then you are looking way down to see him.  It was amazing and wonderful.  LeeAnn didn’t ride and I don’t know why but we just loved it.  I want to go again and again. 
We got down and had to walk back to the train station and they were all in the mood to just go home.  We found our train and boarded just fine.  We were on coach 4 of 12.  After a stop this group was major complaining about missing their stop.  The train was saying everything backwards and we were much further than we thought.  The conductor was talking to them and told us we were on coach 9 of 12 and would need to move if we wanted to get off.  Nice to know! 
We were at the wrong time of day to get good pictures
so you will have to go back to September with Jerry and Ardith.

Tower Bridge

The Mulholland's

Just us ;)

This is one shot of the crowd.  Is 500,000 and exaggeration or not?

3.  84th Birthday Dinner
When you get your rota you are either in charge of something or a floater.  This week I am just a floater so I do something different all day long and every day is different as well.  That is kind of fun so it was a nice day. 
After our shift we didn’t exercise because the gillion mile walk the day before had done Brad in.  That night at 6:30 Betty (Janet) Crocker had us over for posties (I later learned they were pasties) to help celebrate Roland 84th birthday.  Mulholland’s called to check on the time and I asked them what posties were – ‘probably little pastry desserts’ he tells me so we ate supper first.  We got there and they are HUGE Cornish pasties which is a large wonderful crust filled with meat and veggies.  She had one for all of us and one could have fed Brad and I for 2 meals.  I ate till I was sick.  At the ‘hi’ he had a sack with Ollie in it which let out a squeak.  I wanted to buy him something like that.  Sister Blake was going shopping so she found me a cheeky monkey stuffed toy that was perfect.  We gave it to him after supper and he put on quite the show for us all.  We had a great laugh.
Betty (Janet) points to the birthday boy.
Notice the small little pasties for tea!

The Osie Kissi's.
They are darling and rather short.  No really short!

The Mulholland's

Roland meets Rollie!

Ollie meets Rollie and is a bit jealous!

4.  Again and Again
The temple went well today.  I had the spiritual thought and I was worried sick about it.  Our Prophet’s last conference talk was on walking not where Jesus walked but as Jesus walked.    I told the story of how we were supposed to get a trip to Israel with our college group in 1994.  My son was playing basketball at the time and I went to one of his games instead of the meeting on the trip.  My friend said she would sign me up for anything that was needed that night but she forgot and we didn’t get our trip to Israel.  “I have never walked where Jesus walked in Jerusalem or Galilee.  However, I have walked the halls of the Idaho Falls Temple, the Rexburg Temple, the Gilbert Temple, the Mesa Temple, the Snowflake Temple, the London Temple and various other temples through the years.  I believe that our Savior also walks through these temples.  I also believe He may stop and pray.  I wonder if His prayer wouldn’t be something like the prayer He offered in America when he visited the ‘lost sheep of other folds’ when he said: ‘And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me, that I may in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one.’ (3rd Nephi 19:23 [The Book of Mormon is an ancient account of the people that lived on the American continent before-during-after Christ and tells of how he came to visit these people after His resurrection.]  I do believe that if I can answer this prayer and try to become one with my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ, that I will not only walk where He walked, but as He walked.”
The day went very well in the temple and that night we finally had our hamburger party with Blake’s and Crocker’s.  Brad made 6 wonderful burgers, a pan of oven chips, (French Fried) and I made baked beans and had all the trimmings for the burgers and a plate of fruit for them.  I also made an English apple pie with ice cream.  We surely did eat and enjoy!  Afterwards we played Toss Up (Betty won) and then we talked and talked.  Lovely night.
The Blake's

The Crocker's

It is relaxing if everyone can put their feet up!

The Callaghan's had their grandchildren and they loved Brad's mouse! 

5.  Happy Birthday Kaiya Marie Parkinson and Ryan Staten!
It was a rather common day in the temple and then we were off to shopping.  We were too late to ride the van so went by ourselves and decided we could do everything at Aldi’s.  We bought all our food and made it home in the dark. 
We had just a simple meal by ourselves and perhaps felt a bit lonely.  I worked on the computer with pic files and read a Brad a story or two.  We waited up till we could get reach Kaiya on the phone and had a fun chat with her.  Ryan is an hour later and considering we cannot call till after work, we just couldn’t stay up that late.  Hope he liked the card we sent!
The Eye in the background on the Thames River.

Big Ben


An ent at the Parliament.

6.  Happy Halloween
It seemed very early at the temple today as Brad had to open at 7:30.  We had a nice day doing this and that and covering for people who didn’t show.  By the time the shift ended I was more than ready to get off my feet.
Wrong!  Sister Crossland (her husband is the 2nd Counselor in the Temple Presidency) asked if I would teach her the machines.  I got home and Brad was already to walk so I went with him a bit and then met Sister Crossland and took her to the little gym.  I taught her all the machines and some things to do on the mat and then we walked around the grounds with Betty.  It was so very fun.
I was ready for a nice big meal but Brad made hot dogs and they were wonderful.  Good buns, lots of Sauer kraut and lots of English mustard.  Yummy!  We took some ice cream to Roger’s because she had a car wreck but she is okay.  Then computer, book and to bed.
We didn't get any trick or treaters but we did see some fireworks go off.
We are starting up. 
St. Paul's in the background. 
Oh, we are going up!  You cannot feel it!

A London sunset from above!

7.  Earlier!
This morning Brad had to open the temple even earlier – her left at 6:40.   I did bit on the computer and then got ready and just barely made prayer meeting.  It was a good Saturday.  We had 2 coaches come and most of the time there were plenty of people everywhere.  The Callaghan’s, our shift coordinators, had a wedding and they were not there.  So that meant everything would run smoothly  -- right?  I was helping with an instruction session when the man in charge of the session stood up and collapsed.  It was Brother Crocker!  That was rather exciting as I ran for help and then they put him in a chair and carried him out.  They took him to hospital (they do not go to the hospital) and have him on some fluids and running some tests.  That was sure a worry to us.  The rest of the day went pretty well (except Brad was to come home early since he went early and someone commented about him skipping out and that upset him).   Oh and I found another former student who actually lives here.  She is from Lewisville at home so we are in the same stake.  She said we would hike together some day.
We walked around the temple grounds a few times and headed back to the flat.  Brad was in a bit of a bad mood so we just headed to Smith and Western to have a night out by ourselves.  We had a very nice dinner.  After dinner we came home and tried to watch BYU football but they stopped the broadcast right after the pregame show.  BED!
Big Ben down there. 
I have no idea why it freaked me out that our car ended up on top
of the Ferris wheel instead of hanging inside it.

Last glow of the sun.

Even the Eye was decorated for Halloween.

Parliament, Big Ben, and me.
Brad, Marie, and Big Ben!

So week 25 is finished.  Some site-seeing, lots of dinners and fun and a bit of excitement and worry as well (besides Brother Crocker here, our nephew Mitch Parkinson had melanoma surgery on Friday-we are sure praying for him as well).
I watch all these elderly couples come to the temple to work and I am in awe at how hard they try to do the Lord’s will and give of themselves when it is not easy.  I wonder how many pills it takes to keep them going from place to place in the temple all day long.  What wonderful people; so very dedicated and giving.  So full of love for their Savior and their fellow man.  Brilliant!  Just lovely.  Bless, oh Bless.

Good night Big Ben!

Be loving, what need I say more?
Stay Active,
Our love,
The Parkinson’s


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