Friday, September 19, 2014

Lesson from the Family Week 17 August 31st to September 6th

Just how much travel can one Volvo and 4 people do in a week?  I must admit – it may have even been more if we had known where we were going but we are definitely seeing the sights of England.  And since our ancestors starred in”17 Miracles” we are calling our trip “7 Miracles.”  Here we go:

1. Where’s Jerry?
We got up early, made lunches and headed east to a town called Maidstone.  We were following Brian’s car and all went very well until they realized they forgot the directions to the LDS church.  It is not Rexburg and you can’t stop and ask which way to the Mormon chapel.  Finally we found the road it was on and tracked it down and made it on time to boot (which is a trunk in England).
We had a nice meeting and then jumped back in the cars and headed to the White Cliffs of Dover.  When we arrived we had a little picnic and then walked out to see the sights.  It was lovely, just beautiful.  The weather was very nice so we had a great time.
Then we drove down to the castle.  After we bought our tickets Jerry needed a potty break.  He never came out.  We waited and waited and decided we had missed him so the 3 of us went in alone.  We had his ticket so we talked to the girl in charge and she said she had been busy and wasn’t checking tickets.   Well, we went through that castle trying to enjoy, but never finding Jerry.  We were a bit heart sick because they have a show where they call a man out of the audience and arrest him for deer poaching, finding him guilty and sentence him to have his male parts removed, take him out and have him scream bloody murder and then walk back in holding his crotch.   We were going to set it up for Jerry but we never found him.  We didn’t really see all there was but headed out and we found Jerry right off.  He said he came out and couldn’t find us so he went down to the tunnels where they took care of injured soldiers.  We then went down there and went through the other tunnel where they lived and plotted strategy which was very interesting.
Everyone decided we had seen enough so we headed home where we had chicken fingers and cream potatoes and baked pastries.  Very nice!

Looking over to France.

Showing the war defense.

Heading to the Dover Castle
I was fascinated with the brick walls.  They had placed these sharp rocks
around every section of rock for about the first 20 feet.
And remember, this castle is HUGE!
Where is Jerry? 
Castle Bedroom 

Views from the top of the castle.

2.  London on foot
We really didn’t rush but headed to London on the train around 9 AM.  We were on a walking tour today which was to start and end at the Queen’s Palace.  Since we were starting there we just stayed which really meant a ton of backtracking because you go about 4 blocks down with the tours but oh well.  We saw the palace which is the most amazing display of wealth we have ever seen.  Then we started back to where we started but had to back tract again for dinner.  We had fish and chips at the Bag of Nails.  Then we walked to Trafalger’s Square and saw the sights there and also spent a few minutes in the art gallery.  Next we were to head to the command center but we went to the River Thames first.  We walked down past the Parliament Building and big Ben and the Command Center where Churchill lived and worked during World War II.  I got left behind there so Brad came back for me.  You could spend hours there, which I evidently was doing, seeing lots of war materials and info on Churchill as well.  They even have a phone conversation between he and President Roosevelt.   Lots of stuff in there.  Then we headed over to Westminster Abbey but it was closed for the day.  We walked back to the train station and checked at the theatre about our tickets on Wednesday but we couldn’t find another theater with ‘War Horse’ or ‘Matilda’ or ‘Lion King.’  We got a burger at McDonald’s and headed home.  Our little feet had seen much of London that day.  I must admit, we did very well at finding our platform and catching our train.
Ardith and Jerry meet the Queen. 
You cannot take pictures in the palace but these 2 were more than
willing to pose. 
Outside the exit of the Queen's palace.
We told Jerry and Ardith they would need an umbrella.
He spent the day trying to trade this top quality purchase.
Changing of the guard.

Trafalger's Square

Brad on the Thames River with Ardith taking a picture of the Eye of London.

Yes sir!  They still have phone booths.
Sorry, I cannot get Big Ben to stand up straight.

Westminster Abbey

3.  London Bus
Today after riding the train into London we boarded one of the tour buses and headed out to see the sights.  We really had seen a lot of London the day before but we were not even close to seeing 1/100th of that city.  Jerry and Ardith were all concerned because one of the things I had down to do was the London Eye which everyone says is one of the highlights.  It is a huge Ferris wheel that goes really slowly and shows you the entire town of London.  They didn’t want to do it so they didn’t want to get on the bus.  It took me forever but they finally understood the bus goes to about 50 stops not just the eye.  We rode the bus to the Tower of London and got off there.  We had lunch and headed in.  WOW!  We had just read The White Queen, which told of her life in the tower.  It all had great meaning to us.  Anyhow, the place just goes on and on with a ton of buildings and towers.  They even have the Crown Jewels on display there.  WOW again!  Amazing sights there.  Then we went to catch our boat ride down the Thames.  That was very fun.  We caught another bus and headed to Oxford Street so they could see Selfridges because they had watched a show about him.  It is a very high end store which does little for me.  As we were walking down the very crowded street Brad stepped out into the street and was just missed by mere inches as a double decker bus was pulling into the lane.  I screamed big time, throw my arms out and grabbed some little girl walking with her mother.  That was not cool, but the mother seeing Brad’s near miss and realizing he was my husband was not too upset with me.  Anyhow, we made it back to our bus stop just in time for the last bus of the day and headed back to the train station.  We were trying to find a place to eat – we had suggested our Thai food but they don’t like Thai and didn’t want to try it.  Finally some guy gave us a piece of pizza on the street and it wasn’t bad so we tried it.  We should have ordered what he was giving away but we ate our whatever it was called and headed to the train.  We never found a show.

The tower the White Queen lived in.
A fearsome medieval fighter!
They have displays from other countries and the had a display
from the Blackfeet Indians.  Actually, they said Blackfoot but
being part Blackfeet, I corrected the error.
Our cruise on the River Thames 
London's highest building 
London Bridge is not falling down and not in Lake Havasu 
A walking bridge 
The Shelfridge style for men but our men wouldn't pose with it.

Humm --- cute?????
At least these 2 look cute!

3.  London by Tube
Today we headed in and got on the tube which took us to Westminster Abbey in no time.  The first thing I asked for was William Wilberforce’s grave and they took me right to it which is just inside the entrance.  We took the audio tour and found everyone, William Wilberforce, Charles Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton, C S Lewis, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens’s and Handel.  My life is now complete.  They don’t allow pictures in there unless we can prove we are family members.  Looks like I need to do more genealogy.
For lunch that day we just grabbed a pastry pie at the Cornish Deli and headed to the show.  We got there way to early but there wasn’t anything else to do so we just sat on the stairs and talked a bit.  The other 4 from our group came and we were sitting pretty close.  We were in luck as our little Mormon, Savannah Stevenson was playing the part of Glinda today.  So, the show finally started and we were pretty high but I thought the seats were pretty good.  The other 4 were over on the side and they actually changed seats after the first half.  Ardith was not that impressed with the first half and said that Tuacahn theater was better.  The second half started and our little Mormon sang her heart out and we loved Elphaba (Kerry Ellis) just as much.  It was wonderful and even Ardith was impressed by the end.  We ran to the tube and headed to Harrod’s (which Brad could have killed me for adding it in) and in a couple of stops and a block or two of walking we found Harrod’s.  We just love going to these stores that we fit in so well.  Soooo, we just went in and went to the top jewelry line and said “you can see we don’t fit here at all but what do you think it your most unique item you sell here?”  The salesman was ever so nice and told us about this cut they can do on diamonds that no one else can do.  He showed us a 2 carat diamond ring with this special cut.  He then told me to try it on.  I did!  Brad asked how much and he displays the price at £930,000.00.  That equates to $1,511,077.95.  I am still shaking to think I had that on my hand.  Hope you all enjoy the pictures.  I, of course, told him it was stuck and I couldn’t get it off but he just laughed.  We then tried on a big emerald ring which was so big it would have been dropping all the time.  It was only a mere $1,000,000.  Anyhow, we had fun and he was really nice.
Jerry and Ardith found us and we went through their restaurant and food markets.  That was great and we almost ate there.  Someday we will.  We did buy a brownie.
We then caught the tubes back to the train, caught the train and headed to Lingfield where we ate at the Thai place and everyone loved it.  I must admit, it was a bit hot tonight but I had caught a sore throat so it felt good to me.  We made it home and got ourselves ready for the new big adventure.


There is no way we can get a picture to show how huge it is.
And remember, it was starting in 1000 AD.

The workmanship over the front door.
Can you count how many statues? 

They do not let you take pictures inside, but out here in the courtyard,

Just a room with stained glass as you are leaving.

Brad has competition -- a harmonica player.

Waiting for 'Wicked"

I am now worth $1,511,000.00.
Sorry it is so small but we wanted the kind salesman in the picture.

The Emerald.

A diamond/emerald set worth about 1.75 million pounds! 

5.  On our own, on England’s roads!
We got up and away in pretty good time.  I really did not feel well and knew a cold was coming big time.  Brad asked what I wanted to do and we realized there was no other option but to go.  I packed the Vicks and Adreene Ibbotson’s gave me some sore throat drops and off we were.  The M25 which circles London was in fine form and we traveled rather well.  I put in 100 High Street (high street is main street over here) for Oxford where we wanted to turn and head toward the Cotwolds for Ardith.  Well, the Sat Nav took us right to the door.  Where, we have no idea but we traveled out through some little area and into a 3 store village where they all got a good laugh.  We went on in to Oxford but only made it to the Tesco where we stopped and got a sandwich for lunch.  We then put in Bourton on the Water and headed west.  The trip was going pretty well and we were close when we took a wrong exit on a round about and found a wonderful village named Burford.  We walked the streets there and had a good time.  Then we went on in to Bourton on the Water.  We walked the streets there as well but I did not know where to find the village of the village.  We headed out from there and decided to stop somewhere before Chester.  We found a Premier Inn in Crew and stayed the night.  We ate there at their Beefeaters Restaurant and had a good meal.  I was not doing well, but a hot bath with Vicks sure felt good.

The streets of Burford 
Loved the sidewalks

Bourton on the Water
The car museum cute little plant

So pretty!
6.  Old Roman England
We weren’t far from Chester which still has all the walls and buildings of old Roman artifacts of over a 1000 years ago.  It took forever to find a parking but we finally got stopped at the perfect spot.  We headed out around the wall and all the little shops along the way.  I hope LeeAnne is reading this because we found a used book store and bought us a book.  There was a polo game but it never started while we watched.  We ate fish and chips and sat in the town square.  It was quite the place as they still have the amphitheater of all their Roman games (Yuck) and tons of cute little English stores.  Very interesting – they say you still can’t get rid of the Roman concrete except to blow it up with dynamite.  
We left there and made it into Chorley where the Preston temple is located.  I was really sick and asked if they wouldn’t mind going to dinner without me.  I laid in the bath and was so tired and sick I didn’t even make the bed but just laid things out and crawled in.  (We are in bunk bed here at the temple accommodation center)  I laid there and shook till my teeth rattled.  Not my best night’s sleep.

Chester, the Roman city, with the Roman Guards

Lots of shopping

England loves their clocks

The ancient Roman wall all around the city

The Amphitheatre

The almost polo match

Another old church

7.  Preston Temple and Grandfather Parkinson’s
We made it up in time for 9 AM session at the beautiful, new Preston Temple.  It was wonderful.  They took us on a bit of a tour and funny how many people we found with connections to us or Rexburg.  We ate at the cafeteria and got changed for a day of finding. 
We stopped for gas and a man gave us a Sat Nav number for Barrowford, England where the Parkinson’s came from.  We drove right there with one little hang up – an incident on the motorway held up traffic for quite some time.   We drove into Barrowford and found the toilets.  Jerry and Ardith went up the stairs where we thought there was a church.  We found this guy that was ever so helpful.  He took us to a working man’s club where the people were talking about Parkinson’s living here or there and then he took us to a building that was an old Methodist Church when Great-great-grandpa Parkinson was a preacher.  We are calling this Miracle 1.  It was very cool.  We felt like our timing was just right.  We walked up and down the streets and went to their little heritage center.  It was too bad all this was on Saturday as the library was not open to look up records but we had a wonderful time.  It was a beautiful little village that we feel in love with.  It even had a butcher shop.
 We headed back to Chorley very excited except, I am feeling way better but now Jerry has caught the cold as well.   We ate at McDonald’s and looked forever for a Boot’s to buy some rubbing alcohol but the Boot’s was closed and we found out you do not buy rubbing alcohol in England.
Home to our little bunk beds to end a very happy day.

I was sick the first night and we got back late the second night
so we didn't get great pictures of the Preston Temple.
Ardith will send me some later.
We find Barrowford, England!
Home of Great Grandfather Parkinson,
Great-Great Grandfather Parkinson, and
Great-Great-Great Grandfather Parkinson!

Our guide in front of the Working Man's Club where he took us for help.

 A picture of Pendle Hill inside the club

The sign showing where Great-Great Grandfather Parkinson preached.

The old church he preached in.

The walk ways through the city.
I can see the young boys running down this alley way.

An ES teacher would notice this.

We loved Barrowford!!!!
Brad did it!  He drove us safe and sound to the west and to the north and we are seeing England from the grass roots to the city centers.  The colds haven’t helped but we are doing our best here.  We are safe, we are dry (it did rain all Saturday) and we have found plenty of food to eat. 
Our biggest thrill was to be in Barrowford and realize that is where the family came from so many years ago.  That was great!


Drive Safely,

Our Love,

The Parkinson’s

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