Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 16 August 24th to August 30th

Okay, we are back from the vacation and way behind on the blog and journal thing.  My bad.  My bad.  Still here goes an attempt at catching up so I can remember the time well spent.

1.  Panel discussions
Sunday was just a normal day.  We went to church where I had an interesting experience.  They asked if some of the missionary wives would come in and answer questions in Young Women’s.  Four of us volunteered.  Well, the 2 older missionaries were so busy pointing out all this advice that the teacher never got to the questions.  I finally RAISED my hand and asked if she wanted us blurting out or if we were supposed to talk on points she had planned.  By this time there was time for me to answer one question and for Sister Brown to answer one question and we were 5 minutes over.  Another plan went askew for some teacher.  We came home and had some roast pork and relaxed the rest of the day. 

2.  Bank Holiday brings surprises to the temple!
We asked about 10 times when we should be at the temple and never got an answer.  It was not our shift to work, but they said they needed help.  We showed up about 8:30 and when we came in we noticed the sweetest little family sitting on the couch.  I went and changed into my white dress and went to find Sister Littlefield to see what she wanted me to do.  This little family was standing with Sister Johnson and Sister Littlefield.  Evidently they were surprise new patrons to the temple to go through, be married and have their daughter sealed to them.  The lady needed an escort to help her.  Sister Littlefield suggested me and the woman grabbed a hold and didn’t let go for about 3 hours.  Come to find out her husband, Mohammad ******** from Iraq and his wife Christina *******from the Philippines and their 12 year old daughter Rebecca, all living in Cyprus were at the London Temple which was a surprise to everyone but themselves.  They had been trying for a year to make it to the temple.  It was a very special day which ended with a very happy family sealed for time and all eternity. 
It was pouring rain which changed the BBQ the missionaries were planning on having from an outside adventure to an inside delight.  I felt bad there wasn’t a bigger turnout but we had a pretty good time and enjoyed our food.  Then each table did a talent and our talent was Brad playing the harmonica.  He played about 4 numbers and then everyone sang, ‘We Thank Thee Oh God, for a Prophet’ with him.  Nice night.
Brad playing at the BBQ. 
Just a picture of the whole party.

3.  Normal
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday had no special events.  We worked the afternoon shift with our new shift commanders and giggled every time they had to redo another rota.  Each person gets a rota at the beginning of the week to tell them what to do each hour of the day.  Sister Callaghan has always called them torture because it never happens and now that she is in charge of them, she is really feeling the torture.
By the way, the lead mare didn’t show up this week.  Lots of speculations going on as to why but her husband has been ill and needs to take it easy – but he has been coming everyday.  I wonder what is happening there.
Thursday we went shopping and bought all the goodies for Jerry and Ardith .  We are getting pretty excited.  Then I came home and cleaned up all the cob webs and vacuumed the entrance to the Lodge so it would look better.
I was standing on the side walk and decided to show you just how
much room there is on the shoulder of English roads.
I wear a size 8. 
And that is how much room a car has in a lane of traffic.

4.  The Guests Arrive
The day started even earlier than we expected when Barry Ibbotson rang our bell at 7 AM to give Brad a map to Gatwick.  He was all worried about Brad going to Gatwick alone and said he would go with him.  Brian Mulholland called and said he was home and it was all very slick.  At 11 AM Brad and Brian left for the airport as I watched the plane fly overhead.  It did seem to take forever but Brad finally pulled in with Jerry and Ardith.
We had fish and chips (of course) and then we got ready and headed to the temple.  I left them a big dinner in the crock pot.
Jerry and Ardith came to the 6 PM session and we were not busy so we went along as patrons.  We were supposed to be leaders of a session but a couple had come the Callaghan’s didn’t know about and were upset that they were not on the rota so they gave them our line.  It was all fine.  We had a nice time and they loved our temple and especially the celestial room.  We finished our shift and then we came home to the roast and veggies I had left in the crock pot as they didn’t eat without us.  We ate and everyone went to bed. 
Here comes the Virgin Atlantic bringing our family.
Jerry and Ardith having supper Friday night.

5.  Where’s the Patrons?
We needed another early start so Brad got up to take Brian over to East Grinstead to get his hire-a-car.  Jerry went with him and so did Mark – the husband of the couple staying and touring with Mulholland’s.
It is the last day we are open for a whole 2 weeks and you would think everyone would be excited to be at the temple but it was a very slow day.  Most of the day was looking for things to do and I really did have a lot of fun doing this and that’s.   Finally the word came to close up so we headed home. 
Jerry and Ardith were out taking pictures so they came over for another go at the crock pot roast.  We then took a little drive and showed them where Brad went to the dentist and around East Grinstead and over to Lingfield’s race track.  I do believe we even got a game or 2 of Rook in as well.

And week 16 ended with a great big high.  We are now with family and have 2 weeks to see the sights of England and Scotland.  Brad is ready and willing for the driving experience but we must admit that we are a bit nervous just the same.  I think Jerry is figuring this out and he keeps yelling about cars coming at them from the wrong side.  Should be fun!?!?!?!

We hope the rain has stopped a bit in Idaho and pray for the crops there.  We hope you are all well and the world is treating you kindly.  Kindness is just the most wonderful thing!

Families are Forever,

Eat 5 fruits and veggies every day,

Our love,

The Parkinson’s


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