Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Comments from Bloggers or a tribute to the Lynn sisters.

Comments on a Blog or a Good Day for the Lynn Sisters

Cool about Diana's sister. If she is anything like Diana she is a peach.
and later she wrote
I tell you Marie your stay in England reminds me of a Lucy and Ethel episode 😄😄😄 I am tired just following your email. Sounds like your days are full.  You keep me entertained during your whole email. 
Enjoy your updates ❤️ Leatrice
Leatrice Dewey – Arizona

 And here's one for "it's a small world."  When I was at BYU as an English major, Karen Lynn (before she was Davidson) taught in the English department.  I remember her as such a lovely and engaging person.  I was so happy to see a picture of her because I have totally lost track of her.
Chrissy Hartvigsen – Rexburg

 And now you will see that Karen is indeed an author.  What wit see has!  mcp
Well, Marie, please remember that I suggested you take notes for a
book of short stories.  Or maybe all your experiences sound more like a sitcom.  Reality TV would reject this chain of events because it sounds too contrived.
        Each one of these issues might be called a dead end, except they're not really dead ends, because each one somehow intersects with another path that leads to more of the same.  I don't think you are suspicious characters, but the money-laundering red tape, leaving you with no bank account, almost leaves you without an identity.  It's good to hear that things seem to be resolved. Up until this point, you've been serving a third-world mission right in one of the centers of civilization.
       You have at least enough material already for three chapters or three episodes. The first episode could fade out with a split screen of Brad attempting email contact while shivering in the dark basement (with some forlorn bird sounds outside), while Marie arranges the packets of Ranch Dressing mix in the lonely little kitchen upstairs. 
        The hairspray in the fire alarm (an example of something too
far-fetched for any reality TV series) could wait until episode 2.
Karen Lynn Davidson -- Salt Lake City
PS. I told Karen that we had all this ranch dressing mix in our suitcase because we were told you could not buy it here.  You can, but it is not Chiz's!  mcp

Next Paula added:
Karen totally pegged you! You could title your show/book "Mission Misadventures." These things always seem to happen to you! Obviously, The Lord knows you two can not only handle these things ( no bank?!), but handle them with good humor (oops, humour)!
Paula Criman -- Missoula, Montana

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