Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lessons from the Brits – Week 2 May 18 to May 24, 2014

 Everyone jokes about the language and rightfully so.  There are many times that we just look and nod or politely laugh and have no idea what they were talking about.  If they talk loud enough and slow enough we get most of what they say, but there are many expressions and words that are throwing us for a lope.
½  10                                      10:30
Tick --                                    Check mark
Rota --                                   Sshhedule
Sshhedule --                        Schedule
Musical item --                   Musical number
Lovely --                               Nice, pretty, well done, taste good  etc., etc,. etc.
Cheers --                             Thanks
I will fill in more as we learn them.

1..Stuck Pig and Impossible Connections
 Brad showered and got ready for church first.  All the sudden I hear all these comments about having a stuck pig.  Brad was told not to bring a razor because they use 220 electrical circuits.  His old one was going dead so he tried to shave with my leg razor.  He took a good size chunk of his chin off and bled and bled.  We didn’t have a great band aid so he went to church looking pretty funny.
Sunday was our first day at church in England.  We are taking the van to the Crawley Ward.  It is quite a drive.  I think we go by 2 golf courses but not too many people are playing.  The church was wonderful. 
A return missionary spoke on forgiveness and was wonderful.  The high councilman was also fabulous.  And the musical item was so beautiful.  Both the Relief Society and Sunday School lessons were great so it was indeed a lovely Sunday.
As we were getting out of the van I saw a Sister Marsh getting out with us.  I told her that my son had served with a Brother/Sister Marsh on his mission in Africa.  “Where?” she said as she flipped around.  Tanzania.  “When?”  1995.  “That was me!  Who?”  Elder Neil Parkinson, the one with the hurt knee.  “That was me and my husband and we took him to the pool every day.”  Hurry and get your husband and I will take a picture of us to send to him.  “I am sorry to say that my husband is now gone after we served 6 missions, but I am here serving my 7thth!”   Who would have ever believed such a story?
 Then the Christensen’s from Utah had both us and Brown’s over together for a Sunday roast dinner with the best chocolate cake in the world.  Oh my goodness, did we eat.  We tried to call some kids but didn’t do so well.
That night they had a fireside where one of the mission presidency spoke.  It was very nice, opps, lovely.
Daphne Marsh at 78 on her 7th mission!
Brad without part of his chin.  The beautiful band aid is missing.
2.  Happy 44th Birthday Brain! 
Monday is our day off and a store called Testco has a free bus come buy and pick you up.  We jumped on and headed to town.  We thought we could get our internet there, but that did not work.  Everything seems to be centered around a bank account or a 3 year line of credit in Britain.  We bought a bit of food and headed home.
We found a letter from Anderson’s that explained where everything they left us was storied.  We went over and through the things and carried what we thought was most needed back to our flat.  We tried to get organized and settled and find out how to do things but really it was not a very productive day.

3.  Plugs and Switches
We got up and fixed our little breakfast and had a bit of a drink of milk.  YUCK!  It was completely warm.  Brad said he had been turning down the fridge everyday but it wasn’t getting colder.  We were down on our knees looking at it when Brad peeked over the counter and saw this little switch that said fridge.  We clicked it, a red light showed itself and the fridge turned on.  We had turned it off Saturday during the fire alarm and didn’t realize we needed to turn it back on.  Now we have a fridge full of warm food.  Tuesday was our first work day at the temple and basically it went very well.  There are 2 shifts: the early shifts works from 8:30ish to 2ish.  The late shift works from 2ish to 9ish.  We are on the late shift but you change every week.  There is much to do and much to learn but we plan on being up for the task.  We have great trainers and just hope their patience holds up with us.  Amazing how sandwiches are taking the place of the Taco Bus and 5 Guys.

We now check to see the light is on.  There is one for the cooktop also.
4. Walking with the Traffic!
 Wednesday Brian Mulholland showed us the way to walk to Lingfield to the Dr. office and fill out our forms there for British medical care.  (Sorry Florence, we didn’t stop for biscuits)  That was a bit of a pretty walk but those roads are way to narrow and cars are going way too fast so very close to you.  Also, I noticed an interesting comparison in our 2 missions.  The Rez has no address but the Brits have very few house numbers – they just name their houses.  So it would be Meadow House on West Park Road.  Cute! Then we got cleaned up and to the temple for another great day.  (Wish I could learn to enjoy being quiet.)

5.  You don’t want our money?
Thursday we started with shopping and it was great fun.  We also went to the Barclay’s Bank to try to set up a bank account.  They will do nothing on the spot over here because they are so fearful of money laundering.  They said they would get back to us in a few days.  We did what we could and then bought the rest of our food.  We may actually eat something besides sandwiches this week.  Thursday was another great day at the temple.  We had a family come in from all over the world as they had been in the military most of their lives.  Their daughter just finished a mission in Thailand and the family came and did baptisms for the dead.  Afterwards, I helped with the laundry and it must have put me in the mood because I came home and did our laundry as well.  Bit of a late night

Our cute razor from President Johnson.
The soap is handmade from Annette (Turtle) Ricks!

6. Tip toe through the flowers!
I have not been mentioning that most mornings we get up and walk the temple grounds.  There are 30 acres of the most beautiful flowers and bushes and ponds and grass that touches your knees if they let it grow.  That is another comparison to the Rez.  England rains almost every day and the pour Rez has been in a drought for over 40 years.  And we don’t tip toe, but I needed a starter.
Anyhow, we had a lovely walk and then got ready for the temple.  It was a wonderful day with lots to do so it was another late night.
Brad with a Hydrangea Tree.  So Beautiful.
President Johnson was quite tickled that we even exercise in white!
Marie amidst the beautiful flowers.
7.  Ready or Not – It is Saturday!
All we have heard is watch out for Saturdays because it is so much busier.  That was true but it was not their busiest Saturday so we made it rather well.  Interesting how personalities seem to be the same all over the world.  Some people get along better and some people clash better.  Rather interesting when you are in the middle of it.  (I sure wonder what Anderson’s are thinking as they read this.)
We start at 10 am on Saturday and end at 5 pm. I had worked in clothing, the kitchen and the laundry so  I said we should go out to eat but we were too tired to walk and we can’t get insurance until we have a bank account and we can’t get a bank account until they do our credit check and all this and that – so we just fixed taco’s.
Every other Saturday night they show movies in the lounge and Mulholland’s talked Brad into going.  It was “Follow Me Boys” and Brad made it through it just fine.

So another week is over.  Wow, that makes 2 whole weeks.  Our mission is now 1/39th over.  Humm!!!??
Perhaps am I a bit homesick?  No, I am a LOT homesick. Where is my family?  Where is my beautiful SPACIOUS home on the butte? (that I use to think was small)  Where are my friends?   Where are their tennis courts?  When do I get internet and when can we drive our car?  Well, truthfully, I am not that excited to drive our car but Brad has resolved that he can do it.  We may practice some night late at night.  I guess you realize that even the roundabouts go the wrong way and the gear shift is on the wrong side as well.  Oh my!

We love you and dearly miss you.  Which means emails cheer my day!

We believe the Church is True!

Always and forever,

E/S Parkinson


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