Monday, June 16, 2014

Lessons from the Brits Week 4 June 1st to June 7th, 2014

I think you would say a mother is sinking when she cannot even spell her son’s name right.  Perhaps spell check did it for me or perhaps I am so proud of Brian for being a brain that I cannot tell the difference.  What a joy it is to tell someone you are Brian Parkinson’s mother and have them immediately tell you how smart he is.  Truly, Brian my Brain, I am very proud of you.

Pants                     Underwear
Trousers              Outer Pants
 Pinch                    Steal or take without permission

1.  Injured Bread
It is nearly impossible to get up Sunday morning.  Brad took the first go of it and I got a few more minutes.  I was showered and dressed and just ready to put my make up on.  You guessed it – the fire alarm went off.  I grabbed some make up and my scriptures and we head out the door.  We are standing outside the door when a man that only speaks French runs to the desk yelling, “My wife, my wife.  She injured the bread!”   We all laughed but there wasn’t much we could do.  Finally someone showed up that could turn it off.  I just put on my makeup in the window and waited for church.  Curley’s took us to church since the van was full.  It was another wonderful meeting.  Our temple president is an outstanding speaker. 
After church we went to Mulholland’s for chili.  She is sure a good cook but they are being way too nice for us.   We took a lemon cake we bought from Costco.  All too soon it was time for another meeting.  Good grief!  I am not sure I can keep up with all this religion.  Yes, I can if it is this good.  Brother Beer, our security man, told the story of him coming up through the police department and war which made him believe there could be no God, and then discovering our church and his conversion.  It was a lovely meeting.  So finally we go home, try to call and get a couple of people and finally drop off to a very desirable sleep.
Since I didn't have pictures for this week I will add some of the temple grounds.
This is the Lodge where most of the temple missionaries live.
We should be able to move in there the end of July.

2.  Another try, yellow round things, & putting in the extra table leaf for dinner.
My body goes into complete shock.  We woke up and just laid there.  The Testco bus doesn’t leave till 10 and we truly do not have another church meeting.  We go to the Testco place and try again to get our internet.  He assures us this will work.  We buy a few little things and try our first fish and chips.  Okay!  I guess we are really lucky because most fish and chips have the skin on and this place does not.  Hurray for that!
And guess what I bought -- a tennis ball.  I still have no idea where a court is or how to get there if I did, but I own and can hold and bounce a little yellow tennis ball.  It is wonderful.  I take it outside and bounce it all over. 
Mulholland’s are excited about our Costco hot dogs so we put in the spare table leaf to expand the table and have dinner for 4. (That is a joke!!!!)   It was a zoo.  We laughed that the best sitting arrangement would be to have one person sitting in the bathroom.  The men have to sit on foot atamans.   The table cannot even hold 4 plates so we have to get up and down for everything we want.  Oh well, it was yummy.  I made a peach cobbler and they brought ice cream so it was like heaven.
Then they had us over for Family Home Evening.  We read this article about a man’s dream after he had been praying about doing temple work.  It was very interesting indeed.  Then she served a chocolate mousse that was to die for. 
And the internet did not work
Grandpa favorite treat in Utah!
Look what Grandpa found in Testco!

3.  We have to stop meeting like this!
Tuesday is rather ordinary.  We get up and exercise, fix lunch and a pack lunch for the temple and walk our 50 steps the temple.  Amazing!  Things go very well and then we are home.  We go down to our basement room and try emailing and calling people to see about our bank account and our insurance.  The time difference is 7 hours for 3 kids and 8 hours for the other and it is just hard to get hold of people.  And of course I am down there watching the computer screen to tell me when a point is made in the French Open. 

If you strain your eyes, that is my walking along the Temple yard path.

4.  Best made plans of wives and friends!
I get up extra early and really try to help out.  We exercise and eat and then get ready for the temple.  I put on his favorite dress and really make a fuss.  We are assigned to lead an instruction session together and that is great.   Then I asked about his other assignments; isn’t he doing sealings?  (Explanation:  as we believe in baptisms for the dead, we also believe that you can be married and sealed for time and all eternity for your ancestors as well.)  “No,” he says.  Oh, I thought you were.  I head for help.  Elder Mulholland said he will go replace Brad and the door and recommend desk (where people show their recommends as they enter the temple) and tell Brad to go to sealings.  Then I run up to sealings to tell them my great plan.  They finished all that needed done for the day so they closed up.  My heart just sank.  I went and explained my sorrow to Sister Murdock so she went with me to the front desk.
I walk up to Brad and say my day was just completely ruined. “What happened now?” Brad asked.  All my plans just feel through, they just closed sealings.  “So?”  Sister Murdock said it would have been a very nice to do sealings.  “Oh!”  I really wanted to do sealings, I say!  Sister Murdock adds that it would have been a really good day to do sealings, a really good day!  Brad gets this strange look on his face, starts to blush and raises his arm to check his watch.  “I forgot our anniversary!  Dang you Lee!”  Brad exclaimed.  (Lee Sutton was there once when Brad forgot and has been calling Brad when he can find us to remind Brad of his anniversary.)  We all laughed! 
My plan was to have the sealer after finishing a marriage (sealing)  tell Brad to kiss the bride for their 45th anniversary! 
We finished our shift and went home and immediately called Lee.  He was actually there and we had a great chat and lots of laughs.  He said he wrote the date on a check and said he hoped Brad would remember since he didn’t know how to find him.
I needed an anniversary picture and it has been almost a year since we traveled
to Snowflake, Arizona to take our beloved Navajo children through the
temple to be sealed for time and all eternity.
This way I had our Curley children last week and our Logan children this week.

5.  A Complete Human Being!!!!!
Today we go to a different Testco.  As we went down to catch the van, Brad steps over and asked for the mail with the ‘not this again look.’  MAIL, we have mail.  Out bank cards have come.  We are real people.  We also got our National Health Cards and we got selected for a special bowel screening.  Yeepee!!!  (WRONG)  But we are ecstatic about the cards.  Then we head to Testco.  We try to take back our last attempt at internet and you have to do it at the original Testco.  (Not just this Woolworths but all Woolworths)  Our faces drop and we explain how many things we have tried.  The clerk said well you can do this which won’t be too much extra.  We will do it.  We buy it and hold our breath.
We buy a few groceries and head to the van.  We get home and try our new internet and it starts to work but perhaps needs charging.  Off we go to the temple, complete our shift and when we get home we actually have internet in our room, we have a bank account number, and the insurance emailed us that we were all accepted and they would send us the sign in from.  (Okay side note on the bank cards.   They sent us a pin number to activate our cards.  We were to peel off this strip and hold it on a piece of white paper and read the 4 numbers.  We did and couldn’t see a thing.  We held it to the light.  Nothing.  We got a different paper and a different light and still nothing.  Finally we looked at the other side of the strip we had peel off laying on our sheets and there were 4 big, bold numbers staring at us.)
At any rate we were so excited we started answering emails and checking French Open scores and just had a ball. We can even call from our room!    Happy Anniversary one day late!

The pond on the grounds.
6.   Wonderful Youth!
We jumped up to internet and the entire world at our fingertips.  We get the email on our insurance and fax it back downstairs.  The clerk here at the accommodations center didn’t like the fax numbers she gave him so he called and told her they had made a mess of the numbers.  I laughed at that.  We exercise and headed for the temple.  The YSA (Young Single Adults) of England had been holding a big conference and retreat.  They were doing a lot of baptisms for the dead and ended with as many as held recommends doing a Friday evening session.  One hundred and twenty-six showed up.  We held an extra session for them and everyone worked very late to get it all accomplished.  It felt wonderful!

Flowers along the pathway.
Yicks!  They said I was good enough to do the clothing and till on my own, even on a Saturday.  I did make one mistake but found a way around it.  It wasn’t our busiest Saturday so all went rather well.  I didn’t balance exactly right but then I have to remember the morning shift did the first half of the day so they could have made the mistake as well.  At least I tried to convince me of that. 
The shift is over and we are a bit tired.  Mulhollands were as tired as us but we knew that we needed to stay awake so we went over and just talked.  Brad and Brian decided to take the car out and let Brad drive.  They both came back a little frazzled.  Brad was hugging the road a little too much to the left and the roads are so narrow that Brian held his breath a few times.  Brad said it is impossible to shift gears with his left hand and turn on the turn signal with the left hand at the same time.   They decided that Brad will drive us to church tomorrow.  After all, the Lord would bless you trying to go to church.  RIGHT?
Brad backwards experience!
If Brad gets a car, I should too.  I choose this one!
It matches my outfit.
And Eric, we finally met someone that watches Top Gear.
He was from Memphis, Tennessee. 

And there you have week 4 and what an amazing week it was.  WAHOOOO!!!  I have a tennis ball and internet and a bank account and car insurance.  We celebrated our 45th Anniversary in Jolly ol’ England spending the entire day at the temple.  I must say we are blessed indeed!

Our love and prayers, prayers, prayers!
The temple is heaven on earth!
Be Strong.
E/S Parkinson


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