Monday, June 9, 2014

Lessons learned from the Brits – Week 1 May 11 to May 17, 2014


1.  Sunday – Good-bye and Hello!
We were at our son Neil’s house in Layton, Utah, and our daughter Katie and her fam had driven up to spend the weekend as well.  Katie got up and fixed cinnamon rolls and Neil and Becca added all the fixings for the greatest Mother’s Day Brunch ever.  They all gave us darling candy cards that were really cute.  Then to church where Katie and her fam left right after Sacrament Meeting.  All too soon, Neil drove us and our baggage to SLC where we checked into the Radisson. 
One of our dear friends from Mesa, Diana (and Ron) Roskuski, have a rather famous sister in SLC -- Karen Lynn Davidson.  She is a wonderful musician and has written our favorite hymn; “Each Life that Touches Ours for Good,” and the entire book explaining all the hymns and several other books as well.  She came over and picked us up and we went to her condo.  What a delight!  Amazing how fast friendships can be made.  That was a very fun visit.
Ty and Gus had already gone to primary but here is Luke, Katie,
Olivia, Ryan, Neil and Becca.  Good - Bye!

Grandpa reading his card.
Grandma's card with Gusser!
Grandpa's card with Ty.
Can you see Gus -- isn't it hilarious?
Karen Lynn Davidson, Diana's sister.
Notice my badges, one from the church, the other from Diana!
I had to add a picture of Ron (we call him Just Right) and Diana. 
This is a selfie in the shirts we gave them.
2.  Monday – We are not alone!
At 8:00 AM we meet at the Salt Lake Temple for a 3 day training for our mission.  There were 16 couples there going all over the world.  Not only were we not alone but Brad saw another Rexburgite, Gaylen Ball there with his wife heading for Hong Kong.  There were 2 couples going to the Hong Kong Temple, 2 couples going to the Boston Temple, 2 couples going to the London Temple, 1 couple going to the Manhattan Temple, 1 couple to the Washington DC Temple, 1 couple to the Atlanta Temple, 1 couple to Freiburg, Germany Temple, 1 couple to the Oaxaca, Mexico Temple, 2 couples to the Guatemala Temple, 1 to the Panama Temple, 1 to the Ecuador Temple, and 1 to the Paraguay Temple.
Fabulous day with lots of new friends.  That night we met 2 of Brad’s old mission companions with their wives for dinner and what fun that was.  Great, great friendships that have lasted now for nearly 50 years.
Karla and Reed Beecher, your truly, and Annette and Dean Burgess.

3.  Tuesday – How much wonderful can a person absorb?
Again, our day at the temple was fabulous.  I should mention that our instructors were President and Sister Walker.  She is the Hinckley’s oldest daughter and has her mother’s wit.  What a wonderful and very pleasant experience we had.
That night we met old friends from the Rez, Sam and Terry Roberts, for just a short minute but we sure can tell the quick stories and do we ever laugh.  Mission friendships do last forever!
Then a very tired couple went home to rest and ponder.

4.  Wednesday – Is it really over?
It was indeed another very special day in the SLC Temple.  We love the Walker’s and will forever be grateful for their insight and instruction.  I can tell you that our instruction was all focused on loving kindness.
Neil brought his little fam and we went to Big H for hamburgers and root beer.  They came back to the room and we talked and played for a few more minutes.  Then there was a very short walk to the elevator (soon to be lift) and as the doors shut 2 little boys started screaming a descending goodbye.  It was so cute it almost didn’t hurt.  That is one huge almost!

5. Thursday – Which flight plan should we follow?
We received our 4th flight plan on Wednesday so we didn’t really have a lot of faith in what we were doing.  We showed up at the desk at 8:30 where a wonderful Korean man looked at 2 couples and a single man’s luggage for quite some time and then somehow got it all packed in the shuttle.  He had never heard of the airlines the Hong Kong couple was using so that was quite exciting trying to get them delivered.  Come to find out, they ended up back at the motel and were going to try again tomorrow.
We made it to our gate but I lost my soap and mouse. 
L  Then we waited and waited for the flight.  It was a minus flight to Las Vegas as we gained an hour for a 50 minute flight.  Good sleep.  Then a 5 hour sit in Vegas.  Not so good.  Finally we boarded the biggest airplane we have ever been on; the Virgin Atlantic 747 airbus.  It was huge; and so nice.  They had stockings, eye mask, toothbrush and toothpaste and ear plugs, and a blanket and pillow for us.  There were tons of free movies and free games.  We played golf and this time I could beat Brad.  The planes was 95% full or more and bless our little hearts, we got to sit in front of the nonstop screaming baby.  Nice try on the ear plugs but they didn’t work that well.

Elder Parkinson, Sister Parkinson, Sister Brown, Elder Brown.
He is smiling a bit more because he just got a pedicure!

Our plane arrives!

6. Friday – Really, for real! 
We landed at Gatwick Airport at 10:30 AM.  Brother Atkins picked us up.  We got all the baggage for us and Bob and Barbara Brown and headed to our new home.  Really?  Are the roads that narrow for real?  Why are all the people driving so fast?  How long is it before we get use to people on the wrong side of the road?  Is there ever a full mile without 3 turns in it?  I had been told that people who do not get car sick in USA will here and now I believe it.  Good grief, it was only a 6 mile ride and I was exhausted.  We were so excited about buying Anderson’s car but all the sudden Brad hit his head and said, “What have I done?”
The next surprise was our little flat.  How small can it be?  Wowsie!  This is small.  Our bedroom consists of 2 six foot bunk beds.  Our living room consists of 50’ by 88” space with 2 chairs with foot stools, 2 small dressers and 2 small closets in the main room.  There is a table apx 2’ square to eat on.  When one goes in for a bite, the other needs to lean back or you would hit heads.  One kitchen wall has a stove and oven and a sink with 4 drawers.  The other wall has a microwave with cupboards down the wall.  A note said there were chicken sandwiches in the fridge.  We didn’t see a fridge.  President Crosslands opened one of the cupboards and ta-da there was a fridge down there on one side and a freezer on the other.  The bathroom has me in a bit of shock.  It is a tight little narrow way with a sink, toilet, shower on the right and a door at the back.  There is a big handle on the door that says push to open.  One little push and wahoo – you are now exposed to the outside world.  The shower opens from two sides and closes at the corner.  The shower isn’t as small as I expected but rather unique I must say.
We unpacked the best we could, laid down for a quick nap without a crying baby, showered and met the grocery van at 3:15.  Mulholland’s from Calgary took us and the Brown’s to the grocery store.  This store is for this and this store is for that.  Where is Costco?  It is about 20 miles away so we will get there another day.  We shopped at Sainsbury’s and Sister Mulholland could tell who needed help and grabbed my hand and told me what to buy.  We got special credit cards for England but not a card worked.  Mulholland’s had to pay for our groceries.  How embarrassing is that?  Oh, and the grocery stores do not have bags for you so Mulholland’s had bags for us as well.  Food and supplies and we headed home.  We put up our food in a new found fridge (glad we didn’t buy much) and then Mulhollland’s had us to a wonderful yummy dinner and told us more of the info for living there.  We ate and chatted and then headed home.
We may not know much about this new home of our’s but we know we are in a bit of heaven.  The Temple is right out our window and it just glows in the night.  The grounds are so full of green and color that you feel like you are in a painting.  This may be a very interesting 18 months indeed.
The Kitchen and Dining Room!
The Bedroom!
The Living Room!  

The luggage vs the cupboards. 
Where is the fridge?
Fridge Found!
The Bathroom!
Entering Mulholland's Flat at Manor House.
The door is a bit too short!
Our night light.  No joke, this is from our bedroom window!

7.  Twin beds, headaches, burnt toast and heaven!
I woke up around midnight with a head ache that just kept growing.  At 2:30 we decided to push the beds together so Brad could put his hand on my neck.  That took a little doing but it was worth it.  Around 6:30 I finally fell  to sleep.  All of the sudden the most horrid sound started screaming.  The fire alarm went off and we couldn’t tell what we had done wrong.  We were unplugging everything and turning off all the little electrical switches.  I had pillows over my ears just crying with the pain of the headache and noise.  Then we smelled burnt toast and realized that someone else had burnt their toast and set it off.  It was not a good alarm clock.
We got showered and headed to the temple.  President Johnson and President Crosslands set us apart as temple workers.  (Explanation – we believe that when you receive a calling in our church, you are set apart by those holding the authority to do so and as they do, they give you a priesthood blessing to help you with your calling.)  We have had many spiritual experiences in our lives, but Brad’s blessing was one of the top experiences of our lives.  We shall not forget that experience.  We then toured the beautiful temple and met many of our new co-workers.  People from all over the world all giving up so much to come and help serve the Lord and their fellow man in this wonderful work.  I hope heaven is this beautiful and has this many nice people. 
We ate the rest of our chicken sandwich, took too long of a nap, walked around the grounds and met lots more people, found our car keys, drove our car around the parking lot and couldn’t stay on the left side, got on the internet in the reading room and finally went to bed in our new little flat in a country far, far away.

Our first week held many new experiences for us.  We learned how it feels to always be on the wrong side.  We learned where to find the little fridge.  We learned to never turn the water on hot or you will scald yourselves.  We learned to never turn on the water full blast or you will be in the next room.  We learned how to love all over again, new people, new places, new beauty.  We learned how much our Heavenly Father loves us and knows us personally. 

With much humbleness, love and thanks to all,

We Believe!

E/S Parkinson

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